The End is near… As is sometimes the case, good things do come to an end… This is where the Roman Empire found itself Timeline: 117 CE the Empire reached it’s peak 161 CE Rome’s neighbours were causing a raucous 284 CE Rome’s Empire was divided in attempt to save costs & regain control of its borders (bad idea)
Factors that sealed Rome’s fate… Political: Over-centralization of Government Too much done in Rome, corruption of public officials, and the decline of city governments (outside of Rome) Economic: Gap between the rich and poor growing Small farms disappearing Unemployment on the rise Growing independence of larger estates
Factors continued… Military: Experienced a weakening of frontier defences Military officials had too much power (corruption)
Factors part 3… Moral Factors: Decline in patriotism (love that people feel for their country) Growing apathy (the feeling of not having much emotion or interest) Decline in personal freedoms Increase in corruption …the people were not happy
Factors part 4… Outside factors: Barbarian invasions – overran Rome Goths, Visigoths, Huns, etc.