Catch The Vis on Unite Together in Christian Love
Catching the Vision at Maple Creek MBC Unite Together in Christian Love
A CHURCH WITH A PASSION FOR GOD, AND COMPASSION FOR PEOPLE Catching the Vision at Maple Creek MBC Unite Together in Christian Love
A WORSHIPING CHURCH Every member seeking a personal relationship with God in spirit and in truth and attending worship on a regular basis. Catching the Vision at Maple Creek MBC Unite Together in Christian Love
A LEARNING CHURCH Every member committed to Christian Education through Bible Study, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Womens Discipleship, Mens Discipleship, Youth and Young Adults Ministry, Seniors Ministry, and special teaching and leadership training. Catching the Vision at Maple Creek MBC Unite Together in Christian Love
A SOUL WINNING CHURCH Every member reach one, teach one! Every member witnessing to the lost and the unsaved. Catching the Vision at Maple Creek MBC Unite Together in Christian Love
A TITHING AND SPECIAL OFFERING CHURCH Every member giving cheerfully and regularly as the Bible instructs. Also, willing to give sacrificially of time, talents, and treasures. Catching the Vision at Maple Creek MBC Unite Together in Christian Love
A DISCIPLE MAKING CHURCH Every member committed to serving and caring for one another humbly putting others before yourself. Catching the Vision at Maple Creek MBC Unite Together in Christian Love
A PRAYING CHURCH Every member attending the church-wide altar prayer and special prayer sessions. Every member consistently praying for each member, ministries and the pastor of the church. Catching the Vision at Maple Creek MBC Unite Together in Christian Love
SPIRITUAL OPPORTUNITIES OF SERVICE AND GROWTH AT MAPLE CREEK…..JOIN US! Catching the Vision at Maple Creek MBC Unite Together in Christian Love
A CHURCH WITH A PASSION FOR GOD, AND COMPASSION FOR PEOPLE Unite Together in Christian Love Exit CalendarAbout UsHomeOur Covenant