Becoming the Best Person We Can Be Making New Year’s Resolutions
Day 1
Day 1: What Are New Year’s Resolutions? New Year’s resolutions are goals that concrete growth objectives: objectives that help us to keep growing as human beings until becoming the best person we can be, and that also help us to help others to grow as human beings. Growth objectives are not achieved only in one day, they are open and progressive, you can concrete them differently every week.
Day 1: What Does “Growing as a Human Being” Means? Growing as human being means that you are never considered an object to be used to any purpose. For example: a person that grows as a human being is not used to promote ideologies. Growing as human being means that you are unconditionally called to grow until becoming the best person you can be. Growing as human being does not only mean to have the resources to grow: it also means that everyone has the freedom to choose how to become the best person he or she can be. -
Day 1: What Does “Help Others to Grow As Human Beings” Means? ”Help others to grow as human beings” means that as we become the best person we can be we also make possible the best growth possible of the whole humanity. Helping others to grow as human beings means that we help everyone to grow as equal, as a brother and a sister of the human family. When we help others to grow as human beings we respect all the human rights unconditionally. . All.
Day 1: Why growth objectives are important? They help us to be conscious of how we are achieving to become the best person we can be They help us to live a full live, a live ordered to radiate our fullest potential. They help us to grow together as human beings as much as we learn together. Growth objectives make possible a person centered learning: a learning that aims to everyone to grow as human beings, until becoming the best person they can be, in everything that is taught.
Day 1: Growth Objective Example For this lesson, we are going to use the following example as growth objective: Follow Your Dreams What specific goals can help you to follow your dreams in this year? Those are your New Year Resolutions.
Day 1: Growth Objective Example For this lesson, we are going to use the following example as growth objective: Follow Your Dreams What goals can help you to follow your dreams this year? Those are your New Year Resolutions.
Day 1: New Year’s resolutions examples Eating healthier or making more exercise. (Dream: having a better health) Reading a new book per month. (Dream: being wiser) Getting better grades. (Dream: being a better student, go to college) Stop gossiping. (Dream: being a better classmate) Create something new. (Dream: create a better world for everyone) )
Questions that can help you to create good New Year’s resolutions What things I could learn to do better? What things I want to change? What can help me to become the best person I can be? What can help to create a better humanity for all? What things can help me to build a world of peace? .
Day 2
Day 2: Becoming the Best Person You Can Be Determine what resolutions helps you to follow your dreams and become the best person you can be. Discutir oralmente.
Day 3: Making Our Growth Visible Draw an image that makes visible the dream or dreams that you are following with your New Year’s Resolutions. Examples: if your dream is being healthier, draw a healthier you. If your dream is being a better friend, draw yourself with more friends.
Day 4: Making Our Growth Visible Paint the image that you draw in the cardboard. Discutir oralmente por qué esa imagen visualiza sus resoluciones de Año Nuevo.
Day 5: Your New Year’s Resolutions Poster
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