Among those emotional needs, none is more basic than the need for love and affection Among those emotional needs, none is more basic than the need for.


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Presentation transcript:

Among those emotional needs, none is more basic than the need for love and affection Among those emotional needs, none is more basic than the need for love and affection Without an adequate supply of love the child will be emotionally and socially retarded Without an adequate supply of love the child will be emotionally and socially retarded Much of the misbehavior of children is motivated by the craving of an empty love tank Much of the misbehavior of children is motivated by the craving of an empty love tank Your spouse as well as your child are in need for a full love tank. Your spouse as well as your child are in need for a full love tank.

foundation of solid relationship with a spouse/child. foundation of solid relationship with a spouse/child. Loving your spouse/child no matter what. No matter how she looks like. No matter how he acts. No matter what his assets, liabilities or handicaps. Loving your spouse/child no matter what. No matter how she looks like. No matter how he acts. No matter what his assets, liabilities or handicaps.

John 4:16-18 John 4: قال لها يسوع اذهبي وادعي زوجك وتعالي الى ههنا. 17 اجابت المرأة وقالت ليس لي زوج. قال لها يسوع حسنا قلت ليس لي زوج. 18 لانه كان لك خمسة ازواج والذي لك الآن ليس هو زوجك. هذا قلت بالصدق 16 قال لها يسوع اذهبي وادعي زوجك وتعالي الى ههنا. 17 اجابت المرأة وقالت ليس لي زوج. قال لها يسوع حسنا قلت ليس لي زوج. 18 لانه كان لك خمسة ازواج والذي لك الآن ليس هو زوجك. هذا قلت بالصدق How did Our lord Jesus Christ show love in this situation?? How did Our lord Jesus Christ show love in this situation??

You are going out, your husband (wife) put on a new suit (a new dress) You are going out, your husband (wife) put on a new suit (a new dress) What do you usually do (say)?? What do you usually do (say)?? You would not notice no difference. You would not notice no difference. You scream harry up we are already late You scream harry up we are already late You show love by verbal compliment: You show love by verbal compliment: Wow that dress looks nice on you Wow that dress looks nice on you you look sharp on that suit you look sharp on that suit Verbal compliments and Words of appreciation are powerful communicators of love Verbal compliments and Words of appreciation are powerful communicators of love

Prov. 18:21 Prov. 18:21 ……. الموت والحياة في يد اللسان Prov.12:25 Prov.12:25 25 الغم في قلب الرجل يحنيه والكلمة الطيبة تفرّحه. 25 الغم في قلب الرجل يحنيه والكلمة الطيبة تفرّحه.

Jeremiah 1: 4-8 Jeremiah 1: 4-8 فكانت كلمة الرب اليّ قائلا 5 قبلما صورتك في البطن عرفتك وقبلما خرجت من الرحم قدستك. جعلتك نبيا للشعوب. 6 فقلت آه يا سيد الرب اني لا اعرف ان اتكلم لاني ولد. 7 فقال الرب لي لا تقل اني ولد لانك الى كل من ارسلك اليه تذهب وتتكلم بكل ما آمرك به. 8 لا تخف من وجوههم لاني انا معك لانقذك يقول الرب.فكانت كلمة الرب اليّ قائلا 5 قبلما صورتك في البطن عرفتك وقبلما خرجت من الرحم قدستك. جعلتك نبيا للشعوب. 6 فقلت آه يا سيد الرب اني لا اعرف ان اتكلم لاني ولد. 7 فقال الرب لي لا تقل اني ولد لانك الى كل من ارسلك اليه تذهب وتتكلم بكل ما آمرك به. 8 لا تخف من وجوههم لاني انا معك لانقذك يقول الرب. Joshua 1:5-6 Joshua 1:5-6 5 لا يقف انسان في وجهك كل ايام حياتك. كما كنت مع موسى اكون معك. لا أهملك ولا اتركك. 6 تشدد وتشجع 5 لا يقف انسان في وجهك كل ايام حياتك. كما كنت مع موسى اكون معك. لا أهملك ولا اتركك. 6 تشدد وتشجع Mathew 12:20 Mathew 12:20 20 قصبة مرضوضة لا يقصف. وفتيلة مدخنة لا يطفئ. حتى يخرج الحق الى النصرة. 20 قصبة مرضوضة لا يقصف. وفتيلة مدخنة لا يطفئ. حتى يخرج الحق الى النصرة. How is God showing love in the above examples? How is God showing love in the above examples?

Your child comes with a report card, he achieved 80 % in 4 subjects and 60% in one subject Your child comes with a report card, he achieved 80 % in 4 subjects and 60% in one subject What will be your comments to him ? What will be your comments to him ? 60% is too low 60% is too low You sign the card with no comments You sign the card with no comments I am so proud of you for the 80% you achieved in 4 subjects I am so proud of you for the 80% you achieved in 4 subjects With Verbal Encouragement, we try to communicate, I know, I care, I am with you, I want to help you With Verbal Encouragement, we try to communicate, I know, I care, I am with you, I want to help you

John 8: John 8: فلما انتصب يسوع ولم ينظر احدا سوى المرأة قال لها يا امرأة اين هم اولئك المشتكون عليك. أما دانك احد. 11 فقالت لا احد يا سيد. فقال لها يسوع ولا انا ادينك. اذهبي ولا تخطئي ايضا How did Jesus show love to this lady? How did Jesus show love to this lady?

Your husband hurt you feelings by ignoring (forgetting) your birth day Your husband hurt you feelings by ignoring (forgetting) your birth day How would you react?? How would you react?? Keep silent Keep silent Scream at the kids or at him for almost no reason Scream at the kids or at him for almost no reason Express your hurt with kind words and be willing to forgive Express your hurt with kind words and be willing to forgive Kind words send the message: Kind words send the message: I love you, I care about you, I choose to forgive you even though my feeling of hurt is still linger.

Ephesians 4:32 Ephesians 4:32 32 وكونوا لطفاء بعضكم نحو بعض شفوقين متسامحين كما سامحكم الله ايضا في المسيح Colossians 3:12-13 Colossians 3: فالبسوا كمختاري الله القديسين المحبوبين احشاء رأفات ولطفا وتواضعا ووداعة وطول اناة 13 محتملين بعضكم بعضا ومسامحين بعضكم بعضا ان كان لاحد على احد شكوى. كما غفر لكم المسيح هكذا انتم ايضا Matthew 6:14-16 Matthew 6: فانه ان غفرتم للناس زلاتهم يغفر لكم ايضا ابوكم السماوي. 15 وان لم تغفروا للناس زلاتهم لا يغفر لكم ابوكم ايضا زلاتكم

Mathew 3:15 Mathew 3:15 15 فاجاب يسوع وقال له اسمح الآن. لانه هكذا يليق بنا ان نكمل كل بر. حينئذ سمح له 15 فاجاب يسوع وقال له اسمح الآن. لانه هكذا يليق بنا ان نكمل كل بر. حينئذ سمح له Mathew 11:29 29 احملوا نيري عليكم وتعلموا مني. لاني وديع ومتواضع القلب. فتجدوا راحة لنفوسكم. Love makes requests, not demands

Your wife is quite busy for the last 3 weeks, that you have not had a hot meal for a good while Your wife is quite busy for the last 3 weeks, that you have not had a hot meal for a good while What is your approach to the problem? What is your approach to the problem? Do not you think that the kids are getting weak because of the junk food were eating. Do not you think that the kids are getting weak because of the junk food were eating. Is there an end to this starving period?? Is there an end to this starving period?? I understand how busy you are, will you have a chance this week to prepare us a hot meal?? I understand how busy you are, will you have a chance this week to prepare us a hot meal?? When you make a request of your spouse, you are affirming his/her worth and abilities. When you make a request of your spouse, you are affirming his/her worth and abilities.

Words of Appreciation Words of Appreciation Encouraging Words Encouraging Words Kind ( Forgiving Words ) Kind ( Forgiving Words ) Humble Words Humble Words