MACA/Communities Industry Day – January 17, 2019
Community Infrastructure Funding Community Public Infrastructure (CPI)Funding: $29M – Proposed in 2019-2020 FY Money is distributed to communities via a formula and communities determine their own capital planning priorities. MACA’s role is to provide support to communities in the development and implementation of their capital investment plan. It is difficult to provide a summary of all community projects, but often the federal funding eligible categories is a good indication of what is to come as there is typically a cost share requirement. For details on a specific communities capital plan it would be best to contact the Senior Administrative Officer or Band Manager directly.
Infrastructure Funding Current Federal Funding Gas Tax Funding – Yearly allocations - $16M Small Communities Fund (SCF) - $38.4M Community Projects have already been approved Approved projects are listed on Infrastructure Canada’s website at: Gas Tax provides approximately $16M in funding across the territory on a yearly bases (Current agreement is until 2024) . The criteria for this funding includes a variety of municipal infrastructure projects, including community roads, dust suppressant, solid waste infrastructure, Water and Wastewater infrastructure and Recreational capital. Some SCF Projects are already underway, but not all. Projects under the Small Community Fund must be substantially completed by December 31, 2022. OPTIONAL Comment: Clean Water and Wastewater Funding and Public Transit Funding – Projects are all underway Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (CWWF) & Public Transit Infrastructure Fund (PTIF) - $51.5M
Upcoming Infrastructure Funding Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) (Signed March 2018) - ~$120M Community Target areas: Solid Waste Sites Community Road Upgrades Community Energy Efficiency Cultural Spaces Public Transit – City of Yellowknife - only eligible recipient Initial Call for Applications – Winter 2019
Summary of Community Capital Funding Amount Cost Share Community Public Infrastructure (CPI) $29M (FY 19-20) None Gas Tax $16M (FY 19-20) Small Community Fund (SCF) $38.4M (2014-24) 75%(Fed)/25%(Com) Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP): Projects must be completed prior to September 1, 2027 Solid Waste Sites $37.5M Road Upgrades Energy Efficiency $15M Cultural Spaces $21M Public Transit $8.3M Total Federal contributions are just under $120M Similar to other federal initiatives parties are expected to contribute 25% of total project costs. Communities will be provided with initial application information in the next month with the first round of applications anticipated in March 2019. Most of the programs have a staggered roll-out with a new call for applications every 2-3 years. Cultural Spaces Area will be open to indigenous governments.
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