Macmillan Cancer Support collaborates with local providers, commissioners, voluntary sector and charity sector and we endeavour to do this across Greater Manchester and east Cheshire We have a local team which covers service development , engagement and volunteering, learning and development and programme management . The team consists of 5 staff SPM, 2 PM, 2 PQL and wider colleagues who support in a variety of ways including policy and impact and evidence. We have worked across Greater Manchester and east Cheshire to understand the data, evidence, gaps and critically the needs of people affected by cancer. This understanding support us to work in many different ways with our partners including offering expertise, advice, critical friend, sharing our learning, learning and development and funding. As an organisation we innovate, evaluate and share learning for the local providers to take forward as appropriate, sustain, invest and spread
The Greater Manchester Cancer Plan GSP1 To Improve the experience of people with treatable but not curable cancer into EOL. GSP3. To Improve patient experiences at the point of diagnosis. GSP2 To Influence & Improve community & Primary care. GSP5 Is now to implement and monitor the roll-out of the recovery package. GSP6 To develop a model of engagement & volunteering including marginalised communities. The Macmillan North West Team have 6 Geographic Strategic Priorities (GSP), which we have aligned to the Greater Manchester Cancer Plan. Where we meet. Where we influence. GSP4 To Influence & Support the Learning, development &Sustainability of the cancer workforce.
Support for patients at the point of diagnosis. Community/Primary care 2020 investment. Acute oncology services. Recovery package: holistic needs assessment/care planning-patient centred care, Treatment summary to empower patients by providing information that will identify potential signs of recurrent disease. HWB Supporting and preparing patients for self management (where appropriate) GSP 2 & 3 Macmillan & GMC working closer together where strategy align to support people at the point of diagnosis/recurrence of disease. Ensuring systems are in place to provide support to those concerned newly diagnosed with cancer Macmillan information and support centres, advise lines. Support through the cancer journey through acute based professionals, information and support centres and community based services.
Exemplar sites for End of Life care. City of Manchester (North, Central & South MLCO) Improved facilities for care closer to home. Integrated teams. Increased numbers of patients with improved care plans, registered on Palliative Care Registers, dying at home. GM Vanguard 7 day Palliative care service pilots. L&D offer Gsp2 & 3 Macmillan GPs play a key role in primary care including supporting and influencing GPs in the work they do around LWBC, Cancer care reviews and Palliative Care Registers, e.g. North Manchester Macmillan Palliative Care Support Service. The GM & EC Macmillan Team are working closely with our Macmillan GPs to identify areas for improvement and change. Our Learning and Development offer aims to improve and standardise care. This includes providing a training and networking session for Cancer care co-Ordinator, Support worker and Assistant Practitioner roles to consider their role responsibilities and consistency. To support some of these professional roles we have the Macmillan Explore programme available (band 4 –band 6 roles). We have identified areas for investment for new roles where there are currently limited or No CNS input, new roles of cancer care co-Ordinator, assistant practitioner and cancer support workers. We will continue to influence and support current professional teams through engagement and our learning and development offer. Workforce planning through trust, GMC and Macmillan national work.
Evaluation of existing LWBC Projects. Continued implementation of elements of the recovery package through investment in new roles. Evaluation of existing LWBC Projects. Evaluation of Palliative and end of life projects. L&D offers. GSP 1 & 5 One of our Geography Strategic Priorities for 2018-19 is to expand and replicate services for people living with cancer. This included the monitoring and evaluation of the recovery package. We have invested a significant amount within this area, e.g. scoping specific needs for population of people living with cancer in different areas and monitoring the implementation of the recovery package. We have provided support, equipment, and training for organisations to use electronic Holistic Needs Assessment. Our next step is to support the investment of new roles to enable the embedding of this important work.. WE will be continuing to focus on implementation of the eHNA in order to facilitate HNA, care plans, which are essential. This tool provides the data and evidence for every person that has an HNA and care plan. WE will be continuing to support with the learning & Development on how to utilise the eHNA and the skills to support the meaningful conversation Working with Greater Manchester Cancer to support their work through the transformation process. We have worked in partnership with Greater Manchester Cancer to support and build on one of the projects of the Greater Manchester Cancer Vanguard to test out 2 different models of 7-day specialist palliative care in 2 localities within Greater Manchester, we have invested £2m to support this work. Investment in a programme team who will look at the delivery model for Lymphoedema across GM. Continued support of the GMMUIT.
Identification of marginalised communities Service User Involvement Programme at Greater Manchester Cancer, including Vanguard Innovation Comprehensive menu of involvement opportunities Evaluation of SUI posts and impact for individual trusts. GSP6 We are committed to work with GMC for the next 12 months to continue to support the and influence of the Macmillan Service User Involvement Programme. Focus remains on co-production in all we do, service user remains central to all our work. Continued development of the Menu of Involvement Opportunities for service users to ensure that the hidden voices have an opportunity to input into service development. So we work together as a partnership at all levels, from operational to strategic:- We are endeavouring to build on our work with GMC to combine our expertise, knowledge and skills in order to support the GMC plan and meet Macmillan objectives. We are doing this at all levels though SUI and engagement, working with senior leaders in secondary care and commissioning, working with GMC leads and attendance at the GMC board, including supporting innovation, influencing through policy and campaigns etc.