Home Access For Students
1. In the Google Chrome’s address bar, type the following address to go to Broward’s Single-Sign-On: http://broward.identitynow.com
2. Login to Single-Sign-on with the following credentials: 3rd-5th grades use: Username: 10-digit student # Password: (Ask your child’s teacher for the password to use) K-2nd grades use: Username: 10-digit student # Password: (Ask your child’s teacher for the password to use)
3. If you are prompted to save the password, click “Save” to save the password for that student.
4. You are now At the Single-Sign-On Launchpad 4. You are now At the Single-Sign-On Launchpad. Click on the iReady icon to launch it.
6. Student should now be ready to start using iReady.