A New Online Math and Reading Program!
First you will do a Diagnostic in each subject! Then the program will design your learning path based on the results!
You need: Your login info Scratch paper & pencil Headphones To take your time To do your best
Very important to take your time. If computer determines you rushed you may have to retest. The computer program does NOT want to make you do any extra work, BUT it insists on doing the job that it has been designed to do! It has been designed to measure your math & reading levels. If you rush, it cannot measure properly and will want a retest. So, take your time and do it right the first time.
LOG-IN SCREEN USERNAME = each is different – your teacher will give you yours. PASSWORD = gnets State is GEORGIA Then click on GO!
This Guy will talk to you about the program This Guy will talk to you about the program. Listen to him, he wants to help.
USE THE SPEAKER ICONS Hover over the speaker icons to have the questions and answers read aloud. If you hover over a speaker icon while the computer is talking – it will STOP what it is reading and start reading when you just hovered over. Some screens have MANY speaker icons. Be sure to listen to everything on the screen!
On this question you MUST hover over the speaker icons to hear the question and the answer choices!
This question has no speaker icons.
Take Your Time and Do Your Best on Your Diagnostics!