Visit to the aquarium Genova
Content How much and were ? The role of currents. Plastic island. Consequences. Environmental impact. Result. How serius is the situation ? Solution.
How much and were ? 1950 -> 1,5 million t in the world. Today -> 245 million t in the world. In the sea, we estimate at 8 milion t of plastic every year. This is 80% of sea waste. Today we estimate there are 143 milion t of plastic in the ocean.
The role of currents Every sea, every ocean and every river are connected. If you put waste in a river, with the current this waste go to oceans.
Plastic island In the world there are 5 big plastic islands. A plastic island is made of a lot of plastic concentrated in the same place.
Environmental impact Biological damage : animals digest plastics.
Environmental impact Environmental damage : concentration of plastic.
How serious is the situation ?