Leveraging Web 2.0 within a University Setting Contact : Michael Begg Learning Technology Section College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine University of Edinburgh
Leveraging Web 2.0 within a University Setting Jumping through round holes with square pegs Scene Setting with mixed metaphors MedBiquitous 2007 :: Baltimore
Leveraging Web 2.0 within a University Setting Local Evidence Teachers negotiating contracts with mobile device vendors to avoid having to deal with institutional systems Teachers regularly pointing students to external resources of their own making; sites, repositories, blogs… Students now able to aggregate learning environments of their own Developers using development and staging servers to host collaborative environments not supported by centralised resources Institutions remain keener to submerge costs into management process than either teaching or learning The suggestion being… There is rich activity, there is innovation, there is excitement –Ungoverned by central process Our CoPs are becoming increasingly partisan in nature Is this happening? MedBiquitous 2007 :: Baltimore
Leveraging Web 2.0 within a University Setting Getting under the skin… Let us consider the issues within the environmental frameworks of political alignment and personal construction… Under the skin MedBiquitous 2007 :: Baltimore
Leveraging Web 2.0 within a University Setting Institutions… eLearning increasingly embedded, but open to individual interpretation Institutions now reliant upon technocracy for increased activity, increased numbers, increased distances Growth of managerialist top down centralist processes Often overbearing - and largely unsubstantiated - caution over committed implementation of user-centred technologies Positions MedBiquitous 2007 :: Baltimore
Leveraging Web 2.0 within a University Setting Positions MedBiquitous 2007 :: Baltimore Web 2.0 Definition open to interpretation, few standards Powerful corporations steer the democratisation of content Implementation hype-cycle… but a lot of good work out there!
Leveraging Web 2.0 within a University Setting Personal Constructs Alignment and Orientation - personal and political MedBiquitous 2007 :: Baltimore
Leveraging Web 2.0 within a University Setting Political alignment : VLE ( Alignment and Orientation - personal and political MedBiquitous 2007 :: Baltimore
Leveraging Web 2.0 within a University Setting Political alignment : VLE & Institution Alignment and Orientation - personal and political MedBiquitous 2007 :: Baltimore
Leveraging Web 2.0 within a University Setting Political alignment : Institution & Blog Alignment and Orientation - personal and political MedBiquitous 2007 :: Baltimore
Leveraging Web 2.0 within a University Setting Political alignment : Institution & Wiki Alignment and Orientation - personal and political MedBiquitous 2007 :: Baltimore
Leveraging Web 2.0 within a University Setting Political alignment : Students and Facebook Alignment and Orientation - personal and political MedBiquitous 2007 :: Baltimore
Leveraging Web 2.0 within a University Setting Political alignment : eLearning Alignment and Orientation - personal and political MedBiquitous 2007 :: Baltimore
Leveraging Web 2.0 within a University Setting Leveraging within CMVM Edinburgh The quiet dissolving of the VLE –Its actually becoming a VLE! Wikis formally assessed in teaching, offered as personal and collaborative repositories for students, deployed as research sandpits Blogs for every user Wiki / Labyrinth as dynamic knowledgebase with context enforcement Flexible Vocabularies Local Leverage MedBiquitous 2007 :: Baltimore
Leveraging Web 2.0 within a University Setting Process and flexibility Web 2.0 has brought a lot of people together - some of us are here! Few standards - but relative simplicity –The joined up thinking can be retrospective –The speed of building (the ease of editorial inheritance) –Service Layers The absorption of e into teaching, learning and research –Business models emerging in distance learning Political incompatibilities - once exposed - offer a framework for –Compromise? Reconciliation? Reflection and improvement? Educational Informatics –Professional, informed, pedagogically grounded Creative Commons Leverage MedBiquitous 2007 :: Baltimore
Leveraging Web 2.0 within a University Setting A common April New democratic tools being offered by multinational corporations To institutions who love the idea but cannot get under the skin While partisans work beneath the radar to provide good stuff To a user-base more interested in getting their certificate of attendance than learning anything And a teacher base unprepared to engage with students within the students own adopted learning envronments Possible Worlds MedBiquitous 2007 :: Baltimore
Leveraging Web 2.0 within a University Setting An uncommon April Federated systems, negotiated, licensed, mapped, proximal New relationships between local and institutional level provision A negotiated environment for mutual feedback and evaluation in learning environments An environment of process, as well as content Possible Worlds MedBiquitous 2007 :: Baltimore
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