Tax-Aide Inventory Agent (TIA) HM Riggert Modified 2018 SMT/TCS Training - Kansas City
2018 SMT/TCS Training - Kansas City What it is Small piece of software resident on each AARP system, not personal or IRS Gathers hardware and software information about the system Reports this information to OIS 2018 SMT/TCS Training - Kansas City
2018 SMT/TCS Training - Kansas City Why? Original purpose to gather basic technical information that often caused trouble for less technical volunteers. Speed, Memory, Disk size Windows version Evolved to report to OIS Imaging information Geographic location (Latitude, Longitude) Windows licensing information 2018 SMT/TCS Training - Kansas City
2018 SMT/TCS Training - Kansas City What it is NOT! It is NOT a replacement for the inventory process Does not gather custodian information, or notes, or custom field information Does not allow central manipulation of inventory dataset at the district or split state level. 2018 SMT/TCS Training - Kansas City
2016 TCS SMT Training - Dallas Current Status 18,240 Systems in Inventory with Status=OK (244 Desktops & 17,996 Laptops) Of those, 17,918 Systems have TIA installed Missing - mostly old, some locally donated 2016 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
Inventory to TIA data mismatches Some of the Inventory systems with no TIA data are due to human error Mistyped data on TIA data input screen Split-State or Asset Tag is incorrect Sometimes the Inventory asset tag data is incorrect or a duplicate. Unfortunately requires TCS/TC work to resolve the issues. 2018 SMT/TCS Training - Kansas City
2018 SMT/TCS Training - Kansas City Availability Installed on all new Tax-Aide systems Installed as a part of Re-Imaging Instructions and download via The agent self updates to the latest release Works entirely in the background with no user intervention required 2018 SMT/TCS Training - Kansas City
2018 SMT/TCS Training - Kansas City More Details Corrections to installed TIA programs can be with TIA update found at 2018 SMT/TCS Training - Kansas City
2016 TCS SMT Training - Dallas More Details Upon reimaging, or a new TIA installation, or use of EditAssetTagEtc the following dialog box to the right is shown. 2016 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
2018 SMT/TCS Training - Kansas City More Details On each system C:\users\public\documents\TiaLog.log Google maps system locator at If original user input needs to be changed, run EditAssetTagEtc program or request a system update via One Support Technology:software -> TIA agent. 2018 SMT/TCS Training - Kansas City
Example of TIA Data in OIS 2018 SMT/TCS Training - Kansas City
2016 TCS SMT Training - Dallas TIA Data in Downloads 2016 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
2016 TCS SMT Training - Dallas TIA Data in Downloads 2016 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
2016 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
2016 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
2016 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
Agent Data Availability OIS system detail/Edit button for an individual system OIS spreadsheet download for all current TIA information for the systems in a district or Split-State. Just the TIA data also available at Complete historical record of TIA contacts is available for all systems. One Support request (Technology:Software-TIA agent sub topic) for the historical data for a district, split-state or system. 2018 SMT/TCS Training - Kansas City
2018 SMT/TCS Training - Kansas City Questions ??? 2018 SMT/TCS Training - Kansas City