OPTIMISM VERSUS PESSIMISM ** PESSIMISM A GLASS WITH WATER AT THE HALFWAY POINT ** OPTIMIST IS SAID TO SEE THE GLASS AS HALF FULL I love to say : Like every coin has two sides, every story has a two sides, so your oppinion have or dont have value for someone.But the most important thing is :You have your own oppinion, your own view on reality. There is a difference between : 1.are you blind-minded follower or 2. are you rational follower Glass of water :D
The Only Thing That is Permanent is Change What is the most valuable thing on Earth? Realize the value of time. **Time waits for noone. Global climate change and effects on human health & agriculture and etc. Change - Influence on our life (+, - )...etc. What do you do against yourself ?
There is a belief that the fear of failure is directly linked to you self-worth, or the belief that you are valuable as a person. Learn to love your-self Mens sana in corpore sano – What about mind training ? NO FEAR OF FAILURE Learn the leson & Get up fast
M Y FAIL STORY 2013 On 30 TH April I was invited on one local meeting. When I came there I realised that somebody decided that I will became part of Council of the Youth of my hometown. In that moment I could not quit just because I did not wish to make disappointed my family members. For a few months I could not breathe, it was against me, like somebody has stole my freedom Reason:When I was kid I was involved in so many uncomfortable situations just because of politics. Today I have to say that I am proud on myself just because I did not lose my individuality. I would never like to be part of a group in which people have only one opinion. When I did a promotion of my party I realized that citizens of my hometown like my personality. It is big success that I got only positive reactions.I said this just because some youth get critics when they decided to join political parties.
M ORAL OF STORY ^ QUOTES The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for. Bob Marley There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature. Jane Austen Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. A.A. Milne Moral of story : Sometimes you have to listen your family, to give them permission to decide for you. When my family members decided that I wont study law I was so sad. Today I think that economy was a great choice. Today I dont have anything against my membership just because today I can do more than yesterday.I believe in my team.