EVALUATION ARRANGEMENTS FOR 2007-2013 SLOVENIA Brussels, 13. November 2008 Evaluation Network
EVALUATION UNIT (1) Within Managing Authority Part of Sector for system and controls 4 employees on operational level OP ERDF, OP ESS, OP CF and 3 OPs for INTERREG
EVALUATION UNIT (2) Preparation of Evaluation plan, Evaluation guidelines Management of independent outsourced evaluations Coordination of evaluation related topics Coordination of Interdisciplinary working group “Helpdesk” for indicators
EVALUATION PLAN (1) EP for OP RR&ROPI Confirmed by Interdisciplinary working group and Monitoring Committee in May 2008 Basis, principles, cooperation, institutional set-up, PROCEDURES and ROLES of stakeholders in evaluations, timing, capacity building, financing) ANNEX: implementation plan of evaluations (to be completed on a yearly base)
EVALUATION PLAN (2) 2008/1: Ev. of Regional development, 2008/2: Ev. of Development of tourism infrastructure 2009/1: Ev. of communication plan 2009/2: Ev. of tech. equipment projects 2009/3: Environment assessment (sust. development in projects) …
EVALUATION GUIDELINES Launched in September 2008 Summary of different EU guidelines Annex: list of suitable indicators for 2007-2013 OPs for project level activities (prepared in close cooperation with intermediate bodies and other institutions that take care of projects) Definitions for core indicators
NEAR-FUTURE TASKS Capacity building Finalizing of Evaluation plans for INTERREG programmes Helpdesk for indicators
Thank you for your attention! Staša Mesec Stasa.Mesec@gov.si http://www.euskladi.si http://www.svlr.gov.si