High School Course Registration
Guidance Department Jackie Brenny-> Last names A-M Brandon Stoermann -> Last names N-Z Joanna Sawyer - > Middle School Kate Mager-> Guidance Secretary Academic Support, Credits for Graduation, College, Careers, Personal/Social Development, Class Schedules, Night/summer school, etc.
Middle School vs. High School Grading Quarter-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 9-weeks Semester 1 Semester 2 18-weeks Each semester class = 1 credit- Must pass required credits or make-up in the future!
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS 43 Total Credits, including: A. 31 Required Classes - 8 English credits - 7 Social credits - 6 Math credits - 6 Science credits - 1 Health credit - 2 Fine Arts credits - 1 Physical Ed. credits AND B. 12 Elective credits
WEIGHTED GRADING Weighted grading will only apply to Advanced Placement (A.P.) classes, Senior to Sophomore classes (S2S), and College in the Schools with Pine Tech (CIS) See page 2 for more information. PSEO classes do NOT earn weighted grades.
Math Current Math Class Math 8 (Linear Algebra) Algebra 1 (8th grade) Geometry Algebra II College Pre-Calculus 10th -12th Grade Math Math 9 - One semester – (Exponential Algebra) (Probability & Statistics) Geometry Algebra II College Algebra or College Pre-Calculus or AP Statistics AP Calculus or AP Statistics
Science For 9Th grade students you will choose from the following science courses: Physical Science - (2 Semesters) Pre-AP Physical Science - (2 Semesters) Principles of Biomedical Science (2 Semesters, can receive college credit and fulfills your Biology credit)
Social 9th Grade Human Geography (1 Semester)- 1 Credit or AP Human Geography (2 Semesters) – 2 Credits 10th Grade US History 10 or AP US History
Social Electives College Sociology (grades 11 and 12) Keep in mind that these are electives that do not count towards the 7 core social credits needed for graduation College Sociology (grades 11 and 12) College Intro to Psychology (11 and 12) (NEW COURSE) Criminal Justice (11 and 12) History through Film (grades 9-12) Compare and contrast movies’ depiction with actual historical facts Trending Topics (grades 9-12) Analyze current ongoing current events and news stories
English 9th grade 10th grade 11th grade English 9 English 10 or Pre-AP English 10 11th grade English/Speech 11 or AP Eng Lang. and Composition 11
Course Offerings/Electives by Dept. *** Use the Course Offerings List on School Website Art- Clay, Drawing, Digital Art, Jewelry, Painting, Art/Design Avid Biomedical Courses and Forensic Science Family/Consumer Science- Culinary Arts 1/2, Prostart, Interior Design Health and Phy Ed- required Gym is either Aerobics, Strength Training, or Total Fitness Industrial Technology- Computer-Aided Engineering, Graphic Design, Photography, Small Engines, Welding, Woods Music- Band, Choir, Music Tech, History of Rock-n-roll Social Studies Electives- History through Film, Trending Topics World Languages- German/Spanish (3 and 4 for college credit)
4-year Example Plan for Band students 9th 10th 1- Math 1- Math 2- Science 2- Science 3-English 3- English 4- Social Studies 4- Social Studies 5- Band 5- Band 6- Elective 6- Elective 11th 12th 1- Math 1- Math (not required Senior year) 2- Science 2- Science(not required Senior year) 3-English or could do your Foreign Language 4- Social Studies 3- English 5- Band 4- Social Studies 6- Elective (could do your Foreign Language) 5- Band 6- Phy Ed 1 semester/Health other Semester
Phy Ed 1 credit required for Graduation (needs to be Aerobics or Strength Training or Total Fitness) Aerobics (various levels) First Aid/CPR (doesn’t count as your Health credit, just an elective) Individual and Dual Activities (must have already completed your PE requirement, fishing/archery/tennis/golf/pickle ball/Frisbee golf, etc.) Strength Training and Speed Development (various levels) Strength Training and Speed Development for Females Team Sports (must have already completed your PE requirement, Basketball, volleyball, softball, touch football, soccer, etc.) Total Fitness (various levels) Yoga
World Languages (Grades 9-12, can receive college credit as a Junior/Senior in German or Spanish 3 and 4) German Spanish French
COLLEGE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Many 4-year colleges require 2 years of the same world language. Some colleges also require a year or more of visual/performing arts. U of MN colleges have this requirement (band, choir, drawing, painting, etc.). More selective 4-year colleges (such as U of MN) also require you to be taking Math and Science courses as Seniors.
AVID AVID is a program/class that teaches students skills to help them prepare for college Available to 6th- 12th graders If this is a class you are interested in please register for it. You can also talk to your counselor for more info about this class.
Special Ed Students Register for your classes but be aware that your case manager may adjust your class schedule to better suit your needs.
Online 728 If you are interested in taking Online classes next Fall you need to enter the correct course associated with Online. Online course offerings are found on the “Course Offerings List” on the Registration website In Parent Portal when picking your classes you can search “Online” and all the Online options will be listed.
Registration Resources Go to the following website to access everything about registering for classes at ZHS: http://www.isd728.org/domain/1195 Refer to District Registration guide Page 10. They can use this and the “Pathways” documents to help them pick their electives.
Register Online All registration will be done on Parent Portal at: https://er.campus.isd728.org/campus/portal/elkriver.jsp If you forget how to register for classes Online- go to our School Website and scroll over the “Counseling” tab and click on “Registration Information”. Then scroll to the bottom and click on “Online Registration Instructions”. DEADLINE- The Registration Window in Parent Portal closes on Friday January 11th.