Thinking Higher Involves Neurological Kindness The average person uses only about 10% of his/her brain Teens can think on a higher level Teens need to be educated on what their brains can do and how it works Neurological kindness is about eating right, thinking right, treating your brain right Teens need to learn about the brain foods, brain training, brain fitness for higher thinking Purpose: To utilize the areas of the brain that lie dormant for optimum health, well-being and a life of excellence!
Solstice 1 – Know thy Brain, Know thyself Solstice 2 – Personal Power Statement Solstice 3 – The 4 Areas of Personal Development Solstice 4 – Adventure Plan Solstice 5 – Attitude and Self-Esteem Makeover Solstice 6 – Pay It Forward Solstice 7 – Brainstorming: Test the Waters
This first week curriculum consists of 11 assessment questions for introspection and self-knowledge Activity: Mirror Monologue Additional activity: Brain/Self Map Purpose: To recognize what has held a teen back in the past or present and discover how powerful their brain really is. In addition, this first week will allow teens to determine what tools they possess in the present to create what they want in the future.
This week teens will be given the opportunity to construct their personal power or mission statement. Consists of strengths, successes, achievements, triumphs and weaknesses they have overcome Activity 1: Creative Dance Meditation Activity 2: Brain challenge
This week the curriculum will consist of detailed lessons related to the 4 areas: physical, mental/psychological, emotional, spiritual. How to stay physically energized How to stay mentally alert/psychologically healthy How to become emotionally intelligent How to embrace your spiritual nature Activity 1: Flip the switch Activity 2: Reaction puzzle
This weeks curriculum will consist of 7 different areas pertaining to life: Financial Education Relationships Health and Fitness Recreation/Fun Contribution Personal Goals Teens will have an opportunity to create goals and construct a workable plan to achieve these goals Activity: Adventure Map
This week teens will again be working on 7 different categories: Mindfulness Confidence Responsibility Flexibility Persistence/Perseverance Support Positivity Activity 1: Burn Your Story Activity 2: Rebirth
This week teens will learn the lesson about giving back to their world what the universe has blessed them with Teens will discuss: The difference between selfishness and selflessness Random acts of kindness Generosity vs giving to get something back Activity: Planting Seeds Teens will be given an opportunity to sign-up to volunteer for different activities (optional)
This last week will give teens an opportunity to finally spread their wings and fly Recap and summary of the last 6 weeks Activity: Goals worksheet Sign-ups for Teen groups/clubs Resources will also be provided for their consistent personal growth
Burn Your Story Reaction Puzzle Planting Seeds Rebirth Flip the Switch Gods Snapshots Mirror Monologue Infinity Maze Goals/Dreams Worksheet Self Map Life Adventure Map
AB – Accountability Buddy El-even – Spiritual Mastermind group TeenMOFA – for parents and teens RacesYOUnited – to encourage unity and love T.H.I.N.K. Masterminds – for those that have completed and graduated from this 7 week curriculum