Brain Mapping. It is done to interpret the behavior of the suspect &corroborate the investigation officers observation . The technique is based on the fact that brain has extensive record of all information of a particular event/crime. The events are stored in episodic manner . All events are recorded , retained &retrieved as an experience .
Process during Test. The accused is first interrogated to find out whether he is concealing any information. Then sensors are attached to the subjects head. The person is shown certain images or made to hear certain voices/sounds. The sensors monitor the electrical activity of brain ®ister P300 waves . Which are generated only if the subject has connection with the stimulus picture or sound the subject is not asked any question.
Dr Lawrence A Farwell developed &patented this test in 1995 MERMER(memory &encoding related multifaceted electro encephalographic response) is initiated in accused when his brain recognizes information related to crime . These are called target stimuli. This test matches information stored in the brain with information from the crime scene. Studies have shown an innocent suspects brain would have not stored or recorded certain information which an actual perpetrator brain would have stored.
Procedure for conducting Brain wave Mapping Test. This is carried when no incriminating evidence has come out during custody of accused person & the accused not cooperating in the interrogation. In this test permission of the court is not necessary it is pre stage to conduct Narco test when something positive is found in brain mapping