Step by step installation of a Domino server on Docker Roberto Boccadoro ELD Engineering
We will use CentOS as base OS.
The repository Go to We will use this instead of the IBM repository because it will not need to use a NGINX server but rather will add the source installation files to the image directly.
Click on «Clone or download» and select Download ZIP
Expand the zip file in a directory of your choice It contains the following files
Go in domino1001/resources/domino_installer Copy there the installation file for Domino 10.0.1 on Linux, it must be named DOM_SVR_V10.0.1_64_BIT_Lnx.tar
Create Docker image for Domino 10.0.1 Go back to directory domino1001 and run docker build -t klehmann/domino:10.0.1 . Be careful to add the period at the end.
Go in the directory ../domino-docker-setup-master/domino1001_scriptsupport
Create Docker image for Domino 10.0.1 with scripted setup support Run docker build -t klehmann/domino_scriptsupport:10.0.1 . This image is based on the image previously created
Create a new Domino 10.0.1 server instance
Create data volume for Domino data The volume will contain the Domino data directory and is mounted at /local/notesdata. docker volume create domino10_rob
Setup organization/server name and credentials Edit file "env.list" and enter your server's organisation name, server name, Domino domain name, admin user data and passwords. ORGANISATION=MyOrg SERVERNAME=MyServer1 SERVER_IDPWD= CERTIFIER_IDPWD=cert123 ADMIN_FIRSTNAME=Administrator ADMIN_LASTNAME=MyOrg ADMIN_IDPWD=adm1n123 DOMINODOMAIN=MyOrg DOMINOHOSTNAME=localhost SERVER_IDPWD is optional, but recommended. DOMINOHOSTNAME should be a full qualified hostname.
Run first time server setup to create ID files and setup data directory This initializes environment variables from "env.list", mounts the previously created data volume at /local/notesdata and runs the Docker container. docker run --rm --interactive --tty --env-file ./env.list –v domino10_rob:/local/notesdata klehmann/domino_scriptsupport:10.0.1 The command runs the scripted Domino server setup. The setup initializes the data directory and creates id files with the specified names and passwords.
Extract created ID files Next we create a new local directory "ids" and copy the created cert/server/admin ID files from the data volume. mkdir -p ids && docker run --rm -v domino10_rob:/local/notesdata -v "$PWD":/local/notesdata_out busybox cp -f /local/notesdata/{,,} /local/notesdata_out/ids Backup these files and use them to set up your Notes Client
Run Domino 10.0.1 server instance Run Docker container with mounted data and published network ports and assign a name, e.g. "domino1001_abc": docker run -p 1352:1352 -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 25:25 --name domino1001_abc -v domino10_rob:/local/notesdata klehmann/domino_scriptsupport:10.0.1
Access Domino server console in running instance Start a bash on the new running container: docker exec -it domino1001_abc bash Use the live console option of Daniel Nashed's start script: /etc/init.d/rc_domino live Type "close" to leave the live console and "exit" to exit bash.
Stop Domino 10.0.1 docker container To stop the running container, it is important to set the timeout value, because the default of 10 seconds between stopping and killing the container is too short for Domino: docker stop --time=60 domino1001_abc
Start Domino 10.0.1 docker container Use this command to start the now named Domino server container: docker start domino1001_abc