Describing Human & Physical Features from Maps
Where is the woodland?
Vegetation Relief Rivers Communication Land Use
VEGETATION This includes the obvious green wooded areas but look out for which means rough grassland. On the OS 1:25 000 map vegetation is shown in more detail – check the symbols key carefully Non Coniferous Trees Coniferous Trees Rough Grassland
RELIEF Relief means the height and shape (steepness, round, pointed etc.) of the land. Look for: Contour Lines Spot Heights Triangulation Points
River and its valley This is the river itself and the land either side of a river. Look for features such as:- Rivers – width, bends, tributaries, where it flows Valley – height, steepness, land-use
PATTERNS OF COMMUNICATION This includes:- Canals (maybe even rivers) Railways Roads don’t forget to know the difference between A roads, Motorways, B Roads, Rough Tracks. Look at your OS key carefully
What patterns of communication can you find on this section of map?
River Minor Roads Motorway
When asked what the land use is you must explain what the land is USED for – residential, industrial, tourism, , agricultural, commercial, recreational etc. You should look for clues e.g. a golf course, residential areas, lakes used for recreation, Roads, Allotments and many more. LAND USE
Describe the distribution of woodland in squares… (4) Describe the site and shape of the settlement at… (4) Describe the landuse in squares…(4) Describe the road network around… (4) Apply the following technique to all distribution questions: “to describe a distribution, candidates should start with a general comment - something like – ‘much of the woodland on the map is found in the river valleys’ and then make specific comments such as – woodland can be found along the River Coquet.” Describe the distribution of landuse in the region…. (4)
Describe the section of the River Browney and it’s valley shown on the map extract. Use map evidence in your answer. (4) What’s the river like/doing in this section? What’s the land around it like?
Mixed woodland to north of river (1) Woodland is above 100m asl (1) River flows through the wood towards (1) The river is bendy/meanders (1) Valley sides are quite steep River flows south east (1) Two villages in the valley (1) Tributaries join main river (1)
What makes this a good answer? Describe the section of the River Browney and it’s valley shown on the map extract. Use map evidence in your answer. (4) What’s the river like/doing in this section? What’s the land around it like? What makes this a good answer? 3 reasons