1 Stella Otoide - | Assessment for Learning
in the story…x! 3
This is the real law of life and the very principle of love. The tongue of kindness is full of love, pity and comfort. A person who sows seeds of kindness enjoys a perpetual harvest. When you are good to others you are best to yourself. 4 Stella Otoide - | Assessment for Learning
GRATEFULLNESS: Thanksgiving is the attitude of a productive life. No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks. Thankful words do not cost much, yet they accomplish much. 5 Stella Otoide - | Assessment for Learning
Love……: Its one form of ruling element in life. Its an urgent requirement of the heart. Love is the great healer of life's ills, the great strengthener and beautifier. Its a tender plant that requires truthfulness, confidence, respect, kind act, and thoughtful attention which cannot be neglected. God is love and love purifies the heart from self. Where love is thin; faults will be thick 6 Stella Otoide - | Assessment for Learning
Charity flows from the good heart and seeks to heal hounds inflicted by misfortune; it calms the troubled mind. It is in the good Samaritan of the heart. It visits the sick, cares for the orphans, soothes the pillows of the dying and buries the dead. It receives the suffering of the oppressed and the distressed. It seeks through unselfish service to uplift another person. It is a pleasant thought that when you help a fellow up a steep hill, you get nearer to the top yourself. 7