By: Suzanne LaFleur Power Point by: Jacob Seitzer Love, Aubrey By: Suzanne LaFleur Power Point by: Jacob Seitzer
Characters Aubrey: main character Bridget: Aubrey’s best friend Gram: Aubrey’s grandma Lizzie: Aubrey’s mom Savannah: Aubrey’s sister Sammy: a fish Martha: a cat Amy: the school counselor Mable: Bridget’s sister Danny: Bridget’s baby brother
Setting Virginia Vermont School Gram’s house Aubrey’s house Train station Woods Hospital
Problems Main Problem: On the way home from a hotel, a truck swerved out of control and they got in a crash and Aubrey’s dad and sister die but Aubrey and her mom survive. Then when they got back home her mom left and Aubrey was left living alone. Other Problems: When Aubrey was at Bridget’s house Mable drank a bottle of cough syrup and they had to go to the hospital.
Spoiler Alert DO NOT GO ON TO THE NEXT SLIDE UNLESS YOU’VE READ THE BOOK OR YOU WILL ALSO GET INTO A CRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S. press enter to go on or press esc to get out of this power point
Solution Main Solution: Since Aubrey’s mom left, Aubrey’s grandma kept calling but no one picked so gram came down to Virginia and took Aubrey to live in Vermont with her until they found her mother. Other Solutions: Bridget's mom took them to the hospital and to the E.R. and after a lot of waiting they came out and said, "Everything is going to be okay.”
About the Author Suzanne LaFleur was born just outside of Boston Massachusetts in 1983. Other books she has written are Eight Keys, Listening for Lucca and many more