WLCC Missionaries – Local Outreach Mark 16:15: Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation. March, 11 2018
Outreach Purpose Team: Happenings Community Engagement Local Events Planning in progress Little League Sponsor Minister to Those Lacking a spiritual church home In need: spiritually, physically, lonely, financially Postcard and Demographic Analysis to 9000+ Homes: March 19-23rd Extend WLCC Invite and Spread the ‘Good News’ Greeter Teams with smiling and cheerful faces Social Media updates
Grab some Easter Cards for your Friends and Neighbors WLCC – Get Involved Grab some Easter Cards for your Friends and Neighbors “LIKE” WLCC on FB and Comment Join a Greeter Team…first dibs on Cookies! Pray for this Outreach! See Bob Walker or Karen McQuaid