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Key to Legend A. B. Poe Lillian Poe (wife of A.B.) Tom Mehaffey (husband of Annie) Annie Poe Mehaffey Louise Ellen (“Byrd”) Poe Dr. William Smith (husband of Byrd) Sarah Jane Swafford Poe James Martin Poe Oscar Poe Effie Poe (daughter of Oscar?) Fay Poe (wife of Oscar?) Jim Mehaffey (Annie’s son) Helen Mehaffey (Annie’s daughter) Dr. A. J. Graham (Molly’s husband) Henry “Sport” Graham (Molly’s son) Molly Poe Graham Alice Poe Edgar Allen (“Ned”) Poe Lula Nell Poe Clara Poe Hodges Beulah Poe Fred Poe Vera Graham (Molly’s adopted daughter) Jack Graham (Molly’s adopted son) Watkins (“Watt”) Graham (Molly’s son) Ray Poe (Will’s son) Claude Poe (Will’s son) Dr. Will Poe Patriarch & Matriarch Children of James Martin and Sarah Jane Swafford Poe