Structures of the circulatory system Arteries Veins Capillaries Did you know your heart is the size of your fist? 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system 1
Structures of the circulatory system ARTERIES 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system 2
Vessels of the circulatory system ARTERIES Carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the capillaries Elastic, muscular and thick-walled Transport blood under very high pressure Arteries > arterioles > capillaries 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system 3
Vessels of the circulatory system Arteries Arterial blood Oxygen rich Bright red, spurts 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system 4
Structures of the circulatory system VEINS 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system 5
Vessels of the circulatory system Arteries Femoral Carotid Vertebral Brachiochephalic Iliac Axillary Renal Super mesenteric Brachial Radial Celiac 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system 6
Vessels of the circulatory system VEINS Carry deoxygenated blood away from capillaries to the heart Veins contain a muscular layer, but less elastic and muscular than arteries Thin walled veins collapse easily when not filled with blood Veins have valves that permit flow of blood only in direction of the heart Veins < Venules < Capillaries 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system 7
Vessels of the circulatory system Veins Jugular Hepatic Renal Femoral Splenic Supermessenteric Iliac Great Saphenous tibialis 8
Structures of the circulatory system Capillaries The smallest blood vessels Connect arterioles to venules 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system 9
2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system Pulse sites Alternating expansion and contraction of an artery as blood flows through it. Radial Temporal Brachial Ulnar Facial Carotid Popliteal Femoral tibialis dorsalis pedis 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system 10
2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system 11
2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system Common pulse sites Practice locating pulse sites... 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system 12
Pulse Rate and Questions Use page 431 in Red Book for Step by Step Instructions What was the most difficult pulse to find? Which pulse point was the strongest, why? Which was the weakest, why? Which pulse point do physicians/nurses use most commonly, why? Pulse Location Where is this pulse point? What was your pulse per minute Brachial Femoral Carotid Popliteal Dorsalis Pedis Temporal Radial