Recommendations for the Troy ELD Program April 21, 2015 Recommendations for the Troy ELD Program Mary Haezebrouck, Interim Assistant Superintendent Tammy DiPonio, Principal Liaison for Elementary English Learner Programming Anne Mull, Director of Assessment, Equity, and Federal Grants
Our Goals To explain the current state of English Learner instruction in the Troy School District To share the results of an external consultation with a national expert in the field of English Language Learners To begin the conversation about how we will bridge our current program with our preferred/recommended future
A Formative Assessment There will be a fun forthcoming activity for this page.
A Formative Assessment There will be a fun forthcoming activity for this page.
A Formative Assessment There will be a fun forthcoming activity for this page.
The ESL Program is: Federally funded and monitored program Focused on “equal access to core programs and all educational opportunities” for students Monitored by the Office of Civil Rights and the Department of Justice which oversee all audits
Federally Mandated Programs Student Population Comparisons Special Education Students Total Elementary Secondary Current students with speech 1,078 468 610 Current students without speech 831 278 553 __________________________________________________ English Learners Total Elementary Secondary Current ELs 1,655 1,171 484
Comparison of June 2014 with April 2015 June of 2014 April 2015 Increase Total # 1,120 1,655 +535 of EL students ________________________________________________________________ Note: From 9/3/2014 to 1/22/15 287 new students enrolled in the TSD 145 are Els or 50.52%
36% of students come from homes where the primary language spoken is not English.
Number of Languages Spoken by Building Athens 43 Baker 38 Barnard 29 Bemis 32 Boulan 35 Costello 28 Hamilton 28 Hill 23 Larson 41 Leonard 29 Martell 34 Morse 35 Niles 8 Schroeder 32 Smith 40 Troy High 48 Troy Union 37 Wass 31 Wattles 27
Have you heard of these languages? Aramaic Marathi Oriya Mende Pashto Wolof Sinhalise Malayalam Bambara Visayan
Indian languages are spoken in almost half of the homes where English is not the primary language. Assamese 3 Bengali 151 Gujarati 132 Hindi 279 Kannada 100 Konkani 9 Malayalam 102 Marathi 136 Nepali 12 Oriya 6 Punjabi 46 Tamil 321 Telugu 502 Tulu 2 Urdu 213
Elementary English Learners in the Troy School District
Secondary English Learners in the Troy School District
First Semester Enrollment New students enrolled between September 3, 2014 and January 22, 2015: Total- 287 students (including ELs) ELs- 145 students 145/287= 50.52% of students enrolled during this time period were English Learners
Our English Learner population is our fastest growing subgroup What we know… Our English Learner population is our fastest growing subgroup
Elementary EL Weighted Index Teacher FTE Tutor FTE Schroeder 265 0.5 1.5 Morse 434 1 2.2 Troy Union 286 0.6 1.45 Barnard 240 0.7 Hamilton 175 0.3 0.9 Leonard Wattles 357 0.8 1.7 Martell 200 0.4 1.1 Hill 116 0.2 Costello 117 Bemis 296 1.4 Wass 130
Jo Gusman National ESL consultant, author, and bilingual specialist Works with the U.S. Department of Education and works closely with school districts either before or after state compliance reviews Foundation, Framework, and Tools Reviewed findings, made recommendations, and shared the vision for the English Language Program in Troy
Recommendation from the Review #1 Name Change ESL now = ELD (The program) ESL Teacher= ELD Specialist EL=English Learner (The student)
Recommendation from the Review #2 Enhance Enrollment Procedures Create a Separate Home Language Survey Investigate Language Line (Federal mandates require that translation services must be provided at the time of enrollment) Initiate green folder process at enrollment
Recommendation from the Review #3 Update Educational Approach Alternate Language Program Handbook is substantially compliant with Federal requirements Minor adjustments to fine tune the handbook have been made Insert picture
Recommendation from the Review #4 Curriculum and Materials Curriculum/Material adoption is slated for this year for elementary. We are delaying the adoption of materials for secondary until 2015-2016 Elementary staff have reviewed and selected the curriculum materials they believe will meet the needs of English Learners Instructional materials will be presented for Board consideration on May 5th Materials will be available for Board review Board approval will follow on June 2nd
Recommendation from the Review #5 Appoint ELD Administrator OCR recommends a coordinator/director/administrator to oversee the program and ensure we are in compliance with the delivery of services. This person must be knowledgeable of all programming and Title III grants. Partial salary may be funded through the Title III grant. Provide packet of 8 process questions
Currently, the teacher/student ELD ratio in Troy is 1/161-1/204. Recommendation from the Review #6 Hire Additional ELD Specialists to Comply with Federal, State, and County Mandates Currently, the teacher/student ELD ratio in Troy is 1/161-1/204. Currently, elementary ELD teachers travel between two buildings. When ELD teachers are at their other assigned building, students are serviced by para-educators. According to the DOJ, para-educators need to be under the direct supervision of the ELD teachers.
Recommendation from the Review #7 Hire a Team of WIDA Trained Assessors to Prevent 6 Weeks of Interrupted Instruction A cohort testing team would be paid at an hourly rate (i.e.: retired teachers, para-educators) When? Beginning of the year for new students Yearlong – for enrollment testing Spring testing – WIDA Access
Recommendation from the Review #8 Provide ELD PD for ALL teachers Every teacher a teacher of ELD Provide K-12 ongoing support through professional development for ALL general education teachers and reading specialists on how to best instruct ELD PD needs to be infused in every area of curriculum development throughout the year: grade level meetings, instructional labs, etc. PD for administrators Current curriculum coordinators to receive training in order to train ALL teachers on SIOP model Coordinators, in conjunction with the ELD leadership, create an ongoing accountability plan for implementation of SIOP practices
Recommendation from the Review #9 Investigate ILP Process Title III states that every student should have a plan Updated yearly Required parent meetings Similar to IEP plans
Recommendation from the Review #10 Tighten Monitoring Schedules Students who exit ELD services are required to be monitored regularly Progress should be documented 4 times a year Consistency should be maintained within buildings and grade levels
Recommendation from the Review #11 University Connection Partner with universities to offer ELD courses on site in Troy, possibly use this for a component to satisfy PBC Special recruitment consideration may be given to applicants who have ELD certification or endorsement Prioritize accepting student teachers who have ELD endorsements
Recommendation: Improved Teacher/Student Ratio Michigan Department of Education Department of Justice Office of Civil Rights Jo Gusman, Consultant
Recommendation #12 A thorough review of the secondary ELD program, prior to the materials adoption, is recommended for the 2015-16 school year
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