Quarter 3 week 3
Lightning time CELL MODELS!!!! Due Thursday so we can vote on the best ones
February 6th Warm up Happy Monday! Grab the article about cells and CURE it Complete the graphic organizer at the end – this will help you with Wednesday’s Paideia!
Protist Dance 4 groups will each create a dance to represent how their protist moves! 1 dance per group – be ready to teach us your dance moves so we can dance like your protist! AND be ready to explain why your dance move matches your protist After we learn all the dance moves, we will let our PJ (protist jockey) spin some beats for us
February 7th Begin defining the various protist vocabulary words in the packet. Use the textbook or Science Dictionary to help you
Protist cardsort Analyze each of the organism cards and sort them into groups based on how they get their food Once done – complete the graphic organizer to compare and contrast all the protists we’ve been learning about. Quiz Thursday! Know what each organism looks like under the microscope as well as key information learned today about food acquisition and characteristics.
February 8th Paideia “Lives of a Cell” from Monday Turn in your annotated article as well as the graphic organizer and your Socratic Seminar reflection sheet.
February 9th – Quiz Today You will only need a pencil for this! Be confident in your responses – the more detail you give the better you are showing me your learning (extended response questions) Once you finish, turn in to the tray and grab the “Is It Living” booklet to work on while others finish. (stamp in your notebook)
February 10th Review the “Is It Living” booklet Note-taking on Cell Heirarchy Let’s watch part of this video
Cell Hierarchy Activity Choose any organism – write it down in your notebook Draw out how your organism is organized through cell hierarchy (recall the notes you just took). To imagine this better, cut out the circles provided and create the wheel for your organism. See example if you need help! Share out!