Lesson 5 Vocabulary Words
Lesson 5 # 1 - 6 1. Audacious: adj. willing to take risks; daring Audacity: n. 2. Confiscate: v. to take possession of by force 3. Conscientious: adj. thoughtful and careful; honest 4. Depict: v. to give a picture of; to describe 5. Embark: v. to take a trip (boat, plane) 6. Inkling: n. an unclear idea or to suspect something
Lesson 5: # 7 - 11 7. Lackadaisical: adj. little enthusiasm or spirit 8. Mutiny: n. to refuse an order from someone in authority (sailors) V. to rebel 9. Pilfer: v. to steal a little at a time (usually something small or lacking in value) 10. Profusion: n. a great amount; generous amount Profuse: adj. generous amounts; abundant 11. Prudent: adj. very careful; good judgment-wise Prudence: n. avoiding risk; careful in speech
Lesson 5: # 12-15 12. Rankle: v. to irritate over time 13. Rebuke: v. to criticize strong N. a sharp critique; criticism 14. Sere: adj. calm and peaceful Serenity: n. to be in a state of peace and tranquility 15. Slovenly: adj. untidy and careless