Unit 4: Basic Video Segment Production 4-4 “Copyright… Protect Yourself and Your Product”
Mashup Malay! Creative process sometimes requires creator to borrow materials made by others Music, pictures, video clips, etc. However… Using others’ work in pursuit of own creativity May violate rights of original creator Copyright Mash-Ups A creative work that blends two or more “original” works to create an original product New “original” creations may be considered Copyright Infringement Theft or plagiarism, etc. To Be Considered “Original” If it is new or novel; distinguishing itself from reproductions, clones, forgeries, or derivative work. One that is not received from others, nor copied based on the work of others. Derivative Work- A creation that includes major copyright-protected elements of an original, previously created work
U Decide… Think / Pair / Share Discuss w/ Partner… Whole-Class Share Watch This… Now, Watch This… Discuss w/ Partner… What, if any, rights does the original producer have in regards to distribution of the work? Does the Derived Work (Auto-Tuned) violate the rights of the original owner? Why or Why Not? Can the Derived Work help, hurt or both the original work’s footprint? Are there benefits to a society with free-flow of material and derived works Whole-Class Share
What about these? Shephard Fairey v. Mannie Garcia Would this piece or art be considered Original or Derived Works?
And these? What are the implications of this type of satire / critique when it can be done by anyone and distributed EVERYWHERE?
What is Copyright??? It’s a federal law!!! Title 17 of the United States Code What is it? What Does it Mean? Right of authors to control the use of their work Why is it Needed? Creators get to protect their work; get credit they deserve Promote Creativity and Learning
What can be Copyrighted? Eight categories of works are copyrightable: Literary, musical and dramatic works. Pantomimes and choreographic works. Pictorial, graphic and sculptural works. Sound recordings. Motion pictures and other AV works. Computer programs. Compilations of works and derivative works. Architectural works.
Intellectual Property Have you ever written a story, created a piece of artwork, or composed a song? Written works, photographs, artwork, and music are a few of the many products that people create from information and ideas. This information, the ideas, and the products that stem from them are called Intellectual Property. Knowledge, creative ideas, or expressions of the human mind that can have commercial value are protected under copyright laws.
Copyright Myths?!? If it doesn’t have the copyright notice ( © ), then it is not copyrighted. If I don’t charge for it, then it is not a violation. If it is posted on Google, then it is public domain (anyone can use.) My post was “fair use.” If you don’t defend your copyright, you lose it. If I make up stories, but base them on someone else’s work; it’s okay because I made up most of it. They can’t get me… it’s freedom of speech! It doesn’t hurt anybody, it’s free advertisement. They should be paying me! I bought a copy so I can do with it however I want. They posted it or sent me a copy, so it’s fair game.
Bottom line… When in doubt… ALWAYS GET PERMISSION! When sharing outside of the classroom… ALWAYS GET PERMISSION! Always cite the source where it was gathered from.