Subject Headings for Fiction in Sweden a Cooperative Development Harriet Aagaard & Elisabet Viktorsson IFLA Satellite Post-Conference Beyond Libraries – Subject Metadata in the Digital Environment and Semantic Web August 2012, Tallinn
The Swedish Library Associations Fiction Indexing Committee
BURKLIBRIS Public libraries School libraries The National Library Academic libraries
BURKLIBRIS Public libraries School libraries The National Library Academic libraries
Background Lena Lundgren Project funded by the Swedish Library Association.
The Swedish Subject Headings A national system for subject headings used by libraries i the union catalogue Libris Based on the LCSH The National Library of Sweden
2005- The Swedish Library Associations Subject Headings for Fiction The Swedish Library Associations Fiction Indexing Committee
American record (LC) Ill be there by Holly Goldberg Sloan Swedish record (BTJ) Aldrig släppa taget av Holly Goldberg Sloan Translation into English Brothers (Juvenile fiction) Dysfunctional families (Juvenile fiction.) Fathers and sons (Juvenile fiction) Selective mutism (Juvenile fiction) Families (Juvenile fiction) Mental illness (Juvenile fiction) USA Bröder Psykiskt sjuka föräldrar Schizofreni Kriminella föräldrar Far och son Flytta Autism Stumhet Barn som far illa Självständiga barn Musik Kärlek Ungdomsböcker Unga vuxna USA Brothers Mentally ill parents Schizophrenia Criminal parents Father and son To move Autism Muteness Troubled children Independent children Music Love Books for youths Young adults -Flat -End-user oriented -Childs perspective -Detailed -Spoilers allowed!! -Structured -Library-oriented -Interoperability – one vocabulary
Separate lists Children Adults
Tools Word Pdf Excel We need better tools!
Usage UR The Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company Bokrondellen A company giving service to publishers and booksellers Barnens bibliotek The Childrens Library Tesaurus för skolan School thesaurus University libraries
UR – the Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company
Barnens bibliotek
Usage BTJ BTJ is a supplier of media services to libraries in Finland and Sweden -Services that simplify things and help our clients to save money and resources. -Connecting physical or digital media to information about them, so that our clients can find the right media, in the right amount of time, and for the right price. -Our clients are professional users, mainly knowledge and research-related businesses, such as libraries, universities, companies and organisations.
Thrillers in Tigrinya New project Genres Names Pragmatism: liberal use of controled headings Expected outcomes: – Usability – Recycling – User-oriented catalogues
BTJ Förlag Suggested reading for first-time parentsReading for young children - by themes Adult Books Fiction Subject heading: Divorces
Selection Review services
Profile services Editors make media selections based on criteria set by the customer
Recycling Print record E-book record Original records Number of possible matches
Future 2013 The National Library of Sweden ???
Anne-Marie 40 years of experience as a children's librarian Stockholm Public Library The Swedish Institute for Childrens Books
Links Official home page: redaktionskommitte-for-indexering/ Svenska ämnesord (Swedish Subject Headings, the Royal Library): BTJ: SBI (The Swedish Institute for Childrens Books): UR (The Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company Bokrondellen:
Questions? IFLA Satellite Post-Conference Beyond Libraries – Subject Metadata in the Digital Environment and Semantic Web August 2012, Tallinn