What is satire? Approaching a subject with Irony Criticism Desire for reform or change Can exist on their own but together = satire
Specific types of satirical literature Parody: humorous imitation of serious subject Caricature: humorously exaggerates a particular quality, feature or characteristics
3. Burlesque: treats a serious subject in trifling manner or trifling subject in serious manner When used for criticizing and reforming, they become SATIRE.
Two main types of satire: Horatian: light and humorous Juvenalian: dark and bitter, sometimes disturbingly so
Two main types of people: Pessimists: take a gloomy view and expect bad things to happen Optimists: take a hopeful view and expect good results
Two types of Pessimists: Misanthropes: those who despise the human race Cynics: those who distrust sincerity and motives of other people
Countering are the Optimists: Philanthropist: one who loves the human race and works toward betterment Pollyana: eternally happy even in dire circumstances
Techniques of Satire Wit: quick perception and verbal skill Sarcasm: intention is specifically to insult and wound Repartee: ability to answer quickly and pointedly (often with wit and sarcasm) Allusion: reference to known literary works, figures or events in culture Hyperbole: exaggeration or overstatement Understatement Reduction to absurdity
Characteristics of Satire: Potentially offensive Topical and timely