Revelation 14 part 1 – The regal lamb and his sealed servants Teaching the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) Revelation 14 part 1 – The regal lamb and his sealed servants Please visit our website:
Chapter 14 as an overview The pattern The Lamb takes his stand His servants sealed Before His throne On Mount Zion 3 Proclamations of 3 angels The gospel The destruction of Christ-less religion The judgement on those who worship the beast The reaping of the harvest of the earth Good harvest Bad harvest
The scene 144000 Standing with The Lamb Protection in verse 1 Revelation 7 Sealed Jews with evangelistic ministry to all nations Standing with The Lamb Protection in verse 1 Praise verses 2 & 3 Purpose verse 4 Protection involves: The presence of The Lamb Romans 8 v 38 – nothing shall separate us Hebrews 13 v 5 & 6 – never leave us or forsake us Psalm 23 – shall not want
The scene Protection also depends on the place Mount Zion The lamb standing there Rev 5 verse 6 – the lamb standing Ephesians 1 verse 20 – seated at the right hand of God Many believe the standing posture in Revelation equates to Him taking His Kingly authority It is dramatic, regal and active And He is standing on Mount Zion Hebrew 12 verses 18 – 25 – are come to Mount Zion Mount Zion is where David’s tomb is It’s not all that impressive and is lower than other mounts around it
The scene Yet Psalm 2 v 6 – set my King on my Holy Mountain Psalm 48 speaks of Mount Zion as the place of God’s praise The name means fortified David built a citadel there The temple was build close to this spot and the term Zion was extended to include this It is used to describe the people of God – Isaiah 60 v 14 Jesus is described as ‘The cornerstone of Zion’ - Isaiah 28 v 16 Quoted in 1 Peter 2 v 6 It is also described as a place people will ‘go up’ to – Isaiah 40 v 9
The scene Zion is in prophecy as a place that will prosper and where the righteous will dwell – Isaiah 52 v 1 Psalm 132 - key verse 13 – The Lord has chosen Zion Isaiah 2 verses 1 – 5 – Zion elevated Topographical changes needed What about the seals Revelation 3 verse 12 – sealed and named The writing of the Father’s name = ownership 2 Corinthians 1 v 22 – sealed and anointed (earnest and pledge)
The scene Ephesians 1 v 13 & 14 – sealed, earnest and pledge What is the purchased possession? Rom 8 v 23 and following – our body Phil 3 v 21 – fashioned like His glorious body He has redeemed us physically and spiritually Revelation 21 v 4 – no more pain or death Pledge or earnest often said to mean ‘down-payment’ This is too restricted Its real significance is ‘the engagement ring’ How apt that there would be a link to marriage Hosea 2 v 19 and following – God will betroth Israel to Himself
The scene Praise Purpose – rev 14 v 4 & 5 Harpers and voices – could be the church in heaven Rev 5 v 8 New song – fresh rather than new – new in quality – new standard Already in the Old Testament, but fresh and with new meaning now Psalm 33 v 3 – 5 – new song Psalm 96 – new song Psalm 98 – new song Psalm 144 – v 9 & 10 – new song Purpose – rev 14 v 4 & 5 They had moral purity Possibly never married (celibate), possibly simply morally pure
The scene Purpose (cont’d) Again the link with marriage Matt 24 v 21 and following – they were elect Matt 25 10 – they were ready for the marriage Again the link with marriage For the engagement the groom comes to the bride’s house For the marriage the bride comes to the groom’s house Virgins were always attendants at the wedding Israel is the virgin 2 Kings 19 v 21 Isaiah 37 v 22 Jeremiah 18 v 13 and 31 v 4 and v 21 They follow the lamb wherever He goes – the lamb is the shepherd Luke 9 v 23 Romans 11 v 25 & 26 – temporary blindness to allow the Gentiles in, but Israel will be saved. Jude 24
Teaching the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) Welcome to our service Please visit our website: