Mosaic Co. Ariba Network Functional Training SAP /Ariba 2018
Content Introduction Purchase Order Management - Order Confirmations - Ship Notices Ariba Network Support
Introduction Mosaic Co. e-Procurement Process This document contains training for your organization around transacting purchase orders, order confirmations and ship notices with Mosaic Co., through the Ariba Network.
Purchase Order Management
View Purchase Orders Click on Inbox tab to manage your Purchase Orders. Inbox is presented as a list of the Purchase Orders received by Mosaic Co. Click the link on the Order Number column to view the purchase order details. Search filters allow you to search using multiple criteria. Click the arrow next to Search Filters to display the query fields. Enter your criteria and click Search
Purchase Order Detail View the details of your order. The order header includes the order date and information about the buying organization and supplier. Note: You can always Resend a PO which was not sent to your email address, cXML or EDI properly clicking Resend button. Additional options: Export cXML to save a copy of the cXML source information Order History for diagnosing problems and for auditing Line Items section describes the ordered items. Each line describes a quantity of items Mosaic Co. wants to purchase. Set the status of each line item by sending order confirmations clicking Create Order Confirmation. At the bottom of the purchase order is the Sub- total value.
Notifications and Network Notifications Network Notifications indicate which system notifications you would like to receive, along with which email address you would like to send them to. Click on Notifications at Administrator Navigator page. Network Notifications can be accessed from here, or you may switch to tab Network when in Notifications. Note: You can enter up to 3 E-Mail addresses per notification type. You must separate each address with a comma with NO spaces between emails
Electronic Order Routing Methods The way how you would like to transact business with your customers on the network can be set up in Electronic Order Routing section. The methods available include Online (portal), cXML, Email, EDI or Fax. Note: “Online” means that the PO is sent to your Inbox, without additional copies. Select other methods to send an additional copy to the routing selected (recommended - Email). For e-mail routing, check the box Include document in the email message. Use a non- personalized/distribution list email in Email Address line. Note: When Ariba Network sends purchase orders to mailboxes that respond automatically with “Out of Office” messages, it does not fail the orders and indicates it received the auto-reply in the order history log. Refer to Account Management Guide to find all possible options. Note: Configure your e-mail inboxes so that the Ariba Network notifications do not fall in the junk or spam e-mail box
Electronic Order Routing Notifications For Change Orders and Other Document Types select “Same as new catalog orders without attachments” or set according to your preference. Specify a method for sending Order Response Documents (Confirmations and Ship Notices) Specify a User to receive notifications.
Order Confirmations
Create Order Confirmation: Reject Order From the PO view, click the Create Order Confirmation button and select Confirm Entire Order, Update Line Items for individual line items. Please do not reject an order. Please call your Mosaic Business Relationship Manager. Do not use the Reject Entire Order option. Please reach out to your Buyer.
Create Order Confirmation: Confirm entire Order This slide explains how to Confirm Entire Order. An Order Confirmation (OC) is required before you can Invoice. Enter Confirmation Number, which is any number you use to identify the order confirmation. Specify Est. Shipping Date or Est. Delivery Date information, and it is applied for all line items. This is required. Click Next when finished. Review the order confirmation and click Submit. Your order confirmation is then sent to The Mosaic Co.’s AN account. Once the order confirmation is submitted, the Order Status will display as Confirmed. When viewing documents online, links to Related Documents are displayed. Click Done to return to the Inbox.
Confirm Order: Update Line Items Select Update Line Items to set the status of each line item. Fill in the requested information (the same as for Confirm-All option). Scroll down to view the line items and choose among possible values: Confirm – You received the PO and will send the ordered items. Backorder– Items are not in stock. Once items are available, generate another order confirmation to confirm them. Reject – Please do not reject, but reach out to your Mosaic Buyer on PO for any changes required.
Confirm Order: Update Line Items - Backorder Enter the quantity backordered in the Backorder data entry field. Click Details to enter Comments, as well as Estimated Shipping and Delivery Dates, for the backordered items on the Status Details page. Click OK when done. Note--If using several statuses for a line item, the sum of the quantities for the statuses should equal the line item quantity. Click Next.
Confirm Order: Update Line Items - Price Change Enter the quantity in the Confirm data entry field. Click Details to enter the details regarding the price change. Notice the new price in the Unit Price field on the Status Details page for the line item. Enter a Comment regarding the price change, if needed. Item substitutions for the requested part can also be communicated using the Supplier Part field. Update the Description as needed. Click OK when done.
Confirm Order: Update Line Items Continue to update the status for each line item on the purchase order. Once finished, click Next to proceed to the review page. Review the order confirmation and click Submit. Your order confirmation is sent to Seller . The Order Status will display as Partially Confirmed if items were backordered or not fully confirmed. Generate another order confirmation to set them to confirm when/if needed. Click Done to return to the Inbox.
Ship Notices
Create Ship Notice Create Ship Notice using your Ariba account once items were shipped. For Material PO’s an advanced ship notice (ASN) is required before you can invoice your PO. Multiple ship notices per purchase order might be sent. Click the Create Ship Notice button. Fill out the requested information on the Shipping PO form. The Packing Slip ID is any number you use to identify the Ship Notice. Choose Carrier Name and then Tracking # and Shipping Method will appear. Enter Ship From information by clicking on View/Edit Addresses. Any field with an asterisk is required. Check if Deliver to information is correct. Click OK.
Delivery Terms and Transportation Details Delivery terms and other transportation details can be included on all advance ship notices to support a broader range of shipping information collaboration.
Create Ship Notice - Details Scroll down to view line item information and update the quantity shipped for each line item. Click Next to proceed to review your Ship Notice.
Submit Ship Notice After reviewing your Ship Notice, click Submit to send Ship Notice to Mosaic Co. Ship Notices provide improved communications to help avoid unnecessary calls to order support department. The *Actual or Estimated Shipping cost field is required on an ASN. After submitting your Ship Notice, the Order Status will be updated to Shipped. Submitted Ship Notices can be viewed from Outbox or by clicking the link under the Related Documents from the PO View. Click Done to return to the Home page.
Ariba Network Invoice Guide SAP Ariba, January 2016
Content Introduction Invoice Practices Before you Begin Invoicing Viewing Customer Invoice Rules Electronic Invoice Routing and notifications Account Configuration and Invoice Archival Creating Invoices PO Flip Invoice Credit Invoices Service Invoice Modifying Invoices Document Statuses, Searches and Reports Ariba Network Support
Introduction Procure-to-Pay Process This document contains the requirements and training for your organization to create and submit invoices on-line to Mosaic via the Ariba Network. Mosaic requires suppliers enabled on Ariba Network to submit electronic invoices through Ariba Network. Note: Suppliers uploading CSV Invoices or utilizing cXML or EDI technologies should refer to the specification documents available on the Mosaic Supplier Information Portal.
Ariba Network Invoice Practices SAP Ariba, January 2016
Mosaic project specifics: Tax data is not necessary to add to any invoice. Shipping data is accepted at the line item level. Service Invoices must have an attachment at the Header Level. (Copy of supplier’s internal invoice) SUPPORTED Purchase Order Confirmations Apply against a whole PO or line items Advance Shipment Notices Apply against PO when items are shipped Detail Invoices Apply against a single purchase order referencing a line item Partial Invoices Apply against specific line items from a single purchase order Service Invoices Invoices that require service line item details Credit Invoices Item level credits; price/quantity adjustments NOT SUPPORTED Summary or Consolidated Invoices Apply against multiple purchase orders; not accepted by Mosaic Invoicing for Purchasing Cards (P-Cards) An invoice for an order placed using a purchasing card; not accepted by Mosaic Duplicate Invoices A new and unique invoice number must be provided for each invoice; Mosaic will reject duplicate invoice numbers unless resubmitting a corrected invoice that previously had a failed status on the Ariba Network Paper Invoices Mosaic requires invoices to be submitted electronically through the Ariba Network; Mosaic will no longer accept paper invoices Header Level Credit Memos: The Header Level Credit Memo feature is not supported by Mosaic
Ariba Network Before You Begin Invoicing SAP Ariba, January 2016
Customer Invoice Rules These rules determine what you can enter when you create invoices. Login to your Ariba Network account. Click on the Administration Navigator on the top right hand corner and then on Customer Relationships under Account Settings. A list of your Customers is displayed. Click the name of your customer (Mosaic Co.) to view their invoice rules. Scroll down to the Invoice setup section and view the invoice rules. Click Done when finished.
Electronic Invoice Routing and notifications Click on Electronic Invoice Routing at Administration Navigator. Choose one of the following Invoice routing methods Online cXML EDI Configure Notifications to emails (the same way as in Order Routing).
Creating Invoices
PO-Flip Invoice For PO Invoice select a PO number. To create a PO-Flip Invoice, select the PO Invoice link under the Create section in the navigation menu on the left. Click on the Create Invoice button, and then choose Standard Invoice.
PO Flip Invoice – Header Invoice is automatically pre-populated with the PO data. Complete all fields marked with an asterisk an. Enter an Invoice #, which is your unique number for invoice identification. The Invoice Date will auto-populate. Shipping can be entered at Line level by selecting the appropriate radio button. You can also add some additional information to the Header of the invoice such as: Special Handling Comment Attachment-Mandatory for Service PO’s only. Copy of supplier’s internal invoice. Logistics Documents* All Invoice attachments must be in .PDF format. Attachment file size should not exceed 10MB individually with 100MB total capacity. All attachments need to be placed at HEADER Level. Scroll down to the Line items section to select the line items being invoiced.
Remove any Applicable Taxes from the Invoice To remove taxes at the Header Level, then click Remove. Upon refresh, the tax will be removed. Click Next.
PO Flip Invoice – Line Items Line Items section shows the line items from the Purchase Order. Review or update Quantity for each line item you are invoicing. If line item should not be invoiced, click on the line item’s Green check mark to exclude it from the invoice OR click the check box on the left of the item and click Delete to remove the line item from the invoice. You can generate another invoice later to bill for that item.
PO Flip Invoice – Line Item Comments To add comments at the line items select Line Items, then click at Line Item Actions >Add > Comments. Upon refresh, the Comments field will display. Enter applicable Comments in this field. Click Next.
Credit Memo / Negative Invoice To create a credit memo against an Invoice, select your previously created invoice in your Outbox. A button appears on the Invoice screen for Create Line-Item Credit Memo. Complete information in the form of Credit Memo (the amount will automatically be negative). Make sure that all required fields marked with asterisk are filled in. Click Next once done. Review Credit Memo. Click Submit.
Ariba Network Modifying Invoices SAP Ariba, January 2016
PO Flip Invoice – Review, Save, Submit Review your invoice for accuracy at Review page displayed. Scroll down the page to view the line item details and invoice totals. If no changes are needed, click Submit to send the invoice to Mosaic Co. If changes are needed, click Previous to return to previous screens and make corrections before submitting. Alternatively, Save your invoice at anytime during invoice creation to work on it later. Resume working on the invoice by selecting it from Outbox>Drafts on your Home page. Note: You can keep draft invoices for up to 7 days. NOTE: In case of any errors, you will get a notification in red where information should be corrected.
Edit and Resubmit Invoices Click the Outbox tab. 1. Click the Invoice # for the failed, or rejected invoice that you want to resubmit and click Edit. Click Submit on the Review page to send the invoice. Do not cancel any invoices.
Ariba Network Document Status, Searches and Reports SAP Ariba, January 2016
Reflects the status of Mosaic’s action on the Invoice. Check Invoice Status If you configured your Invoice Notifications as noted earlier in this presentation, you will receive emails regarding invoice status. You can also check invoice status from the Outbox. INVOICE STATUS Reflects the status of Mosaic’s action on the Invoice. Sent – The invoice is sent to the Mosaic but they have not yet verified the invoice against purchase orders and receipts Cancelled – Mosaic approved the invoice cancellation Paid – Mosaic paid the invoice or is in the process of issuing payment. This status applies only if Mosaic uses invoices to trigger payment Approved – Mosaic has verified the invoice against the purchase orders or contracts and receipts and approved if for payment Rejected – Mosaic has rejected the invoice or the invoice failed validation by Ariba Network. If Mosaic accepts invoice or approves it for payment, invoice status updated to Sent (invoice accepted) or Approved (invoice approved for payment) Failed – Ariba Network experienced a problem routing the invoice ROUTING STATUS Reflects the status of the transmission of the invoice to Mosaic via the Ariba Network. Obsoleted – You canceled the invoice Failed – Invoice failed Mosaic invoicing rules. Mosaic will not receive this invoice Queued – Ariba Network received the invoice but has not processed it Sent – Ariba Network sent the invoice to a queue. The invoice is awaiting pickup by the customer Acknowledged – Mosaic invoicing application has acknowledged the receipt of the invoice
Check Invoice History Access any invoice. Click on the History tab to view status details and invoice history. History and status comments for the invoice are displayed. Transaction history can be used in problem determination for failed or rejected transactions. When you are done reviewing the history, click Done.
Search for invoice - Quick Search and Refined Search From the Home Tab, Select Invoices in the Document type to search, Select Mosaic from Customer Drop down menu. Enter Document # , if known. Select Date Range, up to 90 days for Invoices. Click Search. REFINED SEARCH Allows a refined search of Invoices within up to 90 last days. Click the arrow to expand Search Filters from Outbox (Invoices). Enter the criteria to build the desired search filter. Click Search.
Search for invoice - Reports Invoice reports provide information on invoices you have sent to customers for tracking invoices over time or overall invoice volume for a period of time. Failed Invoice reports provide details on failed and rejected invoices. These reports are useful for troubleshooting invoices that fail to route correctly. Note: Reports can be created by Administrator or User with appropriate permissions. Click the Reports tab from the menu at the top of the page. Click Create. Fill in required Information. Select an Invoice report type — Failed Invoice or Invoice. Click Next. Note: Select (and higher) members may choose Manual or Scheduled report. Set scheduling information if Scheduled report is selected. After specifying Customer and Created Date in Criteria click Submit. You can view and download the report in CSV format when its status is Processed. For more detailed instructions on generating reports, refer to the Ariba Network Transactions Guide found on the HELP page of your account.
Ariba Network Support
Training and resources Mosaic Co. Supplier Information Portal Buyer specific information is available in one place. Select the name of your company in the top right corner and then click the Customer Relationships link. 1 2 Select the buyer name to view transactional rules: Customer Invoice Rules determine what you can enter when you create invoices 1 2 Select Supplier Information Portal to view the following presentations to learn more about transacting with Mosaic Co: Account Configuration Guide Mosaic Co Purchase Order Confirmation and Ship Notice Guide Mosaic Co. Invoice Guide Supplier Membership Program / Supplier Registration Guide
Training and resources Ariba Network standard documentation and useful links Go to: Click on the Help link in the upper right hand corner of the page to access Help Center. In Learning center there is Product Documentation available for Users or Administrators. Useful Links Ariba Supplier Membership page - Ariba Network Hot Issues and FAQs - Ariba Cloud Statistics – Detailed information and latest notifications about product issues and planned downtime—if any—during a given day Ariba Discovery - Ariba Network Notifications - Information about downtime, new releases and new features
Who should you contact? Supplier Support During Deployment Ariba Network Registration or Configuration Support Please contact for any questions regarding registration, configuration, Supplier Membership Program fees, or general Ariba Network questions. Mosaic Co. Business Process Support Please contact the Mosaic Supplier Enablement team at for business-related questions. Supplier Support Post Go-Live Ariba Network Support for Actively Transacting Suppliers To contact Customer Support by phone: Go to: Click Help Center Click Support Click Get help by phone Note: Only a subset of the documentation is available in a pre-login state. For full content access, login to your Ariba Network Supplier account and access the same Help menu.
Supplier support post Go-Live Help Center Go to If you forgot your username or password click on the link Forgot Username or Forgot Password. To access our Help Center, log into your account or go to Click the Help link in top right corner. Click Help Center and go to Support section. Search for any topic you would like to know more about. If none of the articles answers your query, click on Create Online Service Request button to contact our Customer Support. Fill out our webform. Select Problem Type. Note Mosaic Co. in the Issue Description.
Thank you
Subscriptions Overview Effective September 2016 Subscriptions Overview Subscription Level Description Standard This no-cost subscription level provides the tools you need to manage your key order-to-cash documents on the Ariba Network. It includes reporting functionality, document repository and status, account administration, PunchOut and CIF catalogs, and toll-free webform access to Ariba customer support. Bronze This subscription level offers unlimited proposals and one free response to a buyer RFI/RFQ posting through Ariba Discovery. Personalized guidance from our supplier commerce consulting team helps you optimize your account for better collaboration with multiple customers. You get access to collaborative commerce training courses and can showcase your expertise by displaying digital badges that denote your specific e-commerce capabilities. Silver You receive two free sales opportunity responses on Ariba Discovery, unlimited use of EDI and cXML-based integration protocols, and unlimited post-deployment technical support, enabling you to automate the submission and receipt of order-to-cash documents between your systems and your customers via the Ariba Network. Gold You receive unlimited free sales opportunity responses through Ariba Discovery. You can reap the benefits of automated “touchless” transacting with integration adaptors to connect supported accounting systems to Ariba Network for automated document exchange. Priority access to the supplier commerce consulting team gives you personalized, expert advice and resources to make the most of your Ariba Network subscription. Platinum Make collaborative commerce a competitive advantage with extensive connectivity solutions, support, and validation services that help you provide a fully automated and seamless collaboration. A pass to SAP Ariba Live gives you access to in-depth e-commerce insights plus exceptional opportunities to network with key prospects and customers. 2014 - 2016 SAP Ariba. All rights reserved.
0.155% of transaction volume Supplier Fee Schedule Effective September 2016 Transaction Fees Billed every quarter 0.155% of transaction volume Capped at $20,000/year (per Relationship) 5 and more documents? More than $50K? Usage NO FREE YES CHARGEABLE FREE for all suppliers to join and begin transacting No surcharges for suppliers with multiple divisions or business units Documents are considered Purchase Orders and Invoices Subscription Fees Billed once a year Annual Document Count Across All Customer Relationships Subscription Annual Fees 5 to 24 documents Bronze $50 25 to 99 documents Silver $750 100 to 499 documents Gold $2,250 500 and more documents Platinum $5,500 Examples Volume Subscription Transaction Total Annual 60 documents | $35K Standard - $0 $0 4 documents | $500K 60 documents | $500K Silver - $750 $775 $1525 NEW PROPOSED LAYOUT 2014 - 2016 SAP Ariba. All rights reserved. Effective September 2016