First Grade Homework & Classroom News: Jan. 16th – Jan 19th Homework Menu: Choose one appetizer and one main course to do for homework every night. If you are still hungry for practice, help yourself to some dessert! Appetizer (5 minutes) Practice any of the listed Daily Math skills Addition or subtraction flash card games-if you need new flashcards please let us know! Choose a word family word to write in a complete sentence Main Course(15 minutes) Read a “just-right book” to a stuffed animal or a family member for 13 minutes. Spend 2 minutes retelling the story with as many details as possible. Dessert (10 minutes) Xtra Math/Prodigy Math Raz-kids (message us on Dojo if you need us to resend log-in information ) Word families Words that end in –nk and –ng blends -nk Trunk, dunk, bank, blank, tank, blink, sink, honk, bonk, -ng Sing, spring, song, long, lung, rung, rang, fang Daily Math skills: Place value-determine how many tens and ones are in 2-digit numbers Count forward and backwards from any number within 120 Find different ways to make 10, 25, 50, and 100 Find ten more and ten less from any number within 120 Create your own story problems using place value and have someone in your family solve them! STEM and Social Studies focus of the week Questions: Who was Martin Luther King Jr? What can we learn from his work? How can we apply what we learned to our own homes, school, and community?
Homework and Newsletter January 16th-January 20th A note from the teachers… Welcome back after our long weekend! We are spending time this week learning about Martin Luther King Jr. and why civil rights are so important. The kids have already been so open and honest about the topic and we encourage you to discuss this further at home. This week we are focusing on reading and writing words that end in –nk and –ng digraphs. These are difficult sounds for them to hear at the end of words so we encourage them to s-l-o-w-l-y stretch those words out when they are spelling. We are continuing work on our narratives about something that happened over winter break. In Math, we are continuing our unit on place value. They are doing well with this challenging skill but it is always great to deepen their learning at home with questioning and examples. February 6th & 7th are both early out days reserved for conferencing. Only a select few will need a conference, I will reach out to you personally if I would like to meet with you. Have a great week! Sincerely, Mrs. Watson. Upcoming Events: January 17th-PTO family dinner night at In & Out Burger January 22nd – SASEF meeting in cafeteria 6:30pm January 25th – 100th Day of School! February 6th-7th- early dismissal (1:30) for Spring Conferences February 13th- Bugz musical for K-1 students at 6:30pm February 22nd-23rd- Rodeo Break No School Star Students: We would like to welcome Gwen and Adele to our class! We are excited to have them, and are looking forward to sharing all that Innovation Academy has to offer with them! 1st grade is FABULOUS! *There will be some info coming home about the 100th day of school so check back-packs often. *Girls need a long-sleeved red shirt for the musical and boys need a long sleeved light grey shirt. Please write their name on the tag and send to school ASAP. This should be an adorable production
The following pages are NOT REQUIRED but are here if you would like to use them with your child
Choose –nk and –ng words from the word bank to write in sentences: Paper for writing complete sentences bank honk fang think sing long dunk spring ring 1.________________________________________________________ 2.________________________________________________________ 3.________________________________________________________ 4.________________________________________________________ 5.________________________________________________________
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