Freshman Orientation Class of 2023 WELCOME 1.


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Freshman Orientation Class of 2023 WELCOME 1

Graduation Requirements College Prep Core Curriculum English 4 Units 4 Science 3 Units 3 Math Social Studies 3 ½ Units 3.5 Foreign Language Or Computer Technology 2 Units   Additional Units listed from Above 1 Unit The Arts Option 1: 1 Unit of any visual or performing art Option 2: ½ Unit of Humanities, or Mythology Option 3: 1 Unit of AP World History or AP European History 1 Health ½ Unit .5 Total 24 Units 24 ½ Unit = 1 semester ½ Credit = 1 semester 1 Unit or Credit = 1 Year

Freshman Schedule 1/2 Unit = 1 semester 1/2 Credit = 1 semester Graduation Requirements Next Year English 4 Units Science 3 Units Math Social Studies 3 ½ Units Foreign Language Or Computer Technology 2 Units   Additional Units listed from Above 1 Unit The Arts 1 Unit of any visual or performing art OR ½ Unit of Humanities Health ½ Unit Total 24 Units 1. English 2. Math 3. Science 4. History 5. Elective 6. Elective 7. Elective or Flex 1/2 Unit = 1 semester 1/2 Credit = 1 semester 1 Unit or Credit = 1 Year

Bus transportation will be available only for the 1-6 schedule. Flex Schedule Bus transportation will be available only for the 1-6 schedule. 1-6 periods - - - 7:40-2:30 (Flex AM) 2-7 periods - - - 8:40-3:30 (Flex PM) 1-7 periods - - - 7:40-3:30 _______________________________________________ Lunch times are determined by the 4th hour teacher. Students will find out, on the first day of school, whether they have first lunch or second lunch. Schedules will not be made for lunch changes.

All core classes are year long classes and not semester courses. English English I Pre-AP English I Science Biology Pre-AP Biology Math 3 years needed for high school graduation. 4 years recommended. History / Health Oklahoma History / Health Pre-AP Oklahoma History / Health All core classes are year long classes and not semester courses.

high school graduation! 3 years in high school required for high school graduation! Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II are required for college admission.

2 to 3 Units of the same language is recommended for Oklahoma colleges World Languages 2 to 3 Units of the same language is recommended for Oklahoma colleges

NOT recommended for NCAA. Computer Technology Computer Software Applications X Computer Science Game Programming Computer Science AP Computer Science Principles AP Computer Science A (Alg. Required) 2 Units will cover the foreign language requirement but NOT recommended for NCAA.

To fulfill this requirement you must do the following: The ARTS To fulfill this requirement you must do the following: 1 units (2 semesters) of visual or performing arts – art, drama, chorus, band, or orchestra.


Success in High School Consult Your Student Handbook Attendance – For Class Credit GPA – Grade Point Average Transcript – Your permanent record Find your passion Where do you want to go? What do you love to learn? Get involved

Academic Support Programs Tutorial Algebra I Support MU Alpha Theta Math tutoring club meets twice -a-week after school Academic Support Programs

Chromebooks All students will receive a Chromebook to use in all of their classes Students will be responsible for charging and upkeep of their chromebooks Protection Plan Digital citizenship – we are watching!

Completing Your Enrollment

EDMOND PUBLIC SCHOOL’S FRESHMAN ENROLLMENT FORM   Name: __________________________________ Current School: _________________ Last First Middle aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Student Cell #: ______________  Student email______________  Parent email ___________________   Are you an OKLAHOMA PROMISE student?  Circle one YES NO NEED MORE INFO Transportation Information Please check the method/s of transportation your student will utilize both before and after school Parent/Guardian will transport      Bus Rider Student driver/rider      Student will walk Students requiring bus transportation must enroll in a 1st - 6th schedule.  Please check the following schedule: Flex AM 1-6 schedule      Flex PM 2-7 schedule Full 1-7 schedule

Student’s Course Selection CORE CLASS SELECTION Student’s Course Selection (Please Print) Teacher’s Recommendation Please indicate if the recommended course should be Standard (S) or Pre-AP (A) Student/Parent Final Course Selection (Please Print) Office Use Only Course #   Circle Below Teacher Signature ENGLISH English I S      A MATH S      A SCIENCE Biology Social Studies Ok. History S      A Health  (ROTC students may choose another elective in place of Health) This should be a semester course

2019-2020 Freshman Enrollment Con’t ELECTIVES Select 1 year long class OR 2 semester courses for each space below. If you plan to play a sport, you MUST list the sport/s you plan to play as an elective. 1._________________________________/_____________________________ 2._________________________________/_____________________________ 3._________________________________/_____________________________ ****Alternate courses for electives must be listed in order of preference 1.________________ 2._________________ 3.__________________ Important Notice Choose your schedule carefully. Schedule Changes will only be made for the following reasons: school error or inappropriate placement (level). There will be NO mid-year changes. I have read the above notice and agree to the requested courses Parent Signature____________Student Signature_____________Date____________

2019-2020 Freshman Enrollment Con’t BAD EXAMPLE You must EITHER select one (1) year- long class or two (2) semester courses for each space. If you plan to play a sport, you MUST list the sport(s) you plan to play as an elective. 1.______________________________/_____________________________ 2._________________________________/_____________________________ 3._________________________________/_____________________________ ****Alternate courses for electives must be listed in order of preference 1.________________ 2._________________ 3.__________________ Important Notice Choose your schedule carefully. Schedule Changes will only be made for the following reasons: school error or inappropriate placement (level). There will be NO mid-year changes. I have read the above notice and agree to the requested courses Parent Signature____________Student Signature_____________Date____________ Orchestra ROTC Food Prep and Nutrition Ceramics I Girls Soccer Flex 1-6 (Or Cheer) Business Law Drama Rec Basketball

2019-2020 Freshman Enrollment Con’t GOOD EXAMPLE You must EITHER select one (1) year- long class or two (2) semester courses for each space. If you plan to play a sport, you MUST list the sport(s) you plan to play as an elective. 1.______________________________/_____________________________ 2._________________________________/_____________________________ 3._________________________________/_____________________________ ****Alternate courses for electives must be listed in order of preference 1.________________ 2._________________ 3.__________________ Important Notice Choose your schedule carefully. Schedule Changes will only be made for the following reasons: school error or inappropriate placement (level). There will be NO mid-year changes. I have read the above notice and agree to the requested courses Parent Signature____________Student Signature_____________Date____________ Orchestra Orchestra Food Prep and Nutrition (Or Cheer) Intro to Art Girls Soccer Flex 1-6 (Or Cheer) Business Law Drama Rec Basketball

*Before choosing electives, please refer to the following: Key: X One semester class * Course requires teacher permission $ There is a fee for this course

Freshman Class Elective List 2018-2019 AEROSPACE SCIENCE (ROTC) Aerospace Science I AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION Intro to Agriscience (Students will be bused to the Ag. Bldg) ART $ x Introduction to Art (Intro to Art is required before taking the following Art Courses) x Drawing & Design x Ceramics I x 3D Construction BUSINESS x Intro. to Business/Finance x Business Law BROADCASTING x Intro. To Broadcasting COMPUTER SCIENCE x Comp Science Game Programming Computer Science AP Computer Science Principles AP Computer Science A (Freshman must be concurrently enrolled in Pre-AP Geometry or better for AP Computer classes) COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY: APPLICATIONS & PRODUCTIVITY Computer Applications DEBATE Debate I DRAMA Drama I Competitive Drama I * Stagecraft I

Freshman Class Electives Con’t ENGLISH/WRITING x Creative Writing x Advanced Creative Writing (Must have competed Creative Writing) FAMILY/CONSUMER SCIENCES x FACS Basics B x Food Prep & Nutrition x Nutrition, Food & Wellness x Textiles & Apparel Assembly x HUMANITIES INDUSTRIAL ARTS $ x Intro to Wood Technology JOURNALISM *Journalism Newspaper * Journalism Yearbook (Application and teacher approval required for Journalism Newspaper and Yearbook classes.) MARKETING ED./DECA x Intro to Business/Marketing x Employment Essentials MUSIC *Band-(1st Hour) x Flag Core (1st Hour) - Fall Semester *Jazz Ensemble (Audition required for Jazz Ensemble) *$ Chamber Orchestra *$ String Orchestra $ Men’s Chorus $ Women’s Chorus I *$ Applied Vocal Music (SHOW CHOIR) (Audition required for Show Choir, Applied Vocal Music) PHOTOGRAPHY $ x Photography I $ x Photography II (must provide your own camera) PHYSICAL EDUCATION x Fall Sports Lab x Rec-Racquet Sports x Recreational Basketball x Personal Fitness & Toning x Strength & Conditioning Weight Train-Speed Development (Weight Train-Speed Dev. for Football players only)

* - Course requires Freshman Electives Con’t KEY: COMPETITIVE ATHLETICS: Baseball Basketball (Boys) Basketball (Girls) Cheer- (tryouts only) x Cross Country (Girls) (Fall) x Cross Country (Boys) (Fall) Football Golf (Boys) Golf (Girls) Pom – (tryouts only) x Soccer (Boys) (Spring) x Soccer (Girls) 23212316 (Spring) Softball Swimming (Boys) Swimming (Girls) Tennis (Boys) Tennis (Girls) x Track (Boys) - (Spring) x Track Girls) - (Spring) x Volleyball - (Fall) Wrestling WORLD LANGUAGE Chinese I French I German I Latin I Spanish I Spanish II PreAP Spanish II Spanish III Pre-AP Spanish III KEY: x - One semester class * - Course requires teacher approval $ - There is a fee for this course

These courses will be added by your counselor following an audition and/or application process.   Athletic Trainer/Manager Applied Vocal Music Cheer (9th) Pom (9th) Instrumental Jazz Ensemble Journalism Newspaper Journalism Yearbook Stagecraft BY PERMISSION ONLY

Your enrollment packet is due to your designated teacher by: Enrollment Due Date Your enrollment packet is due to your designated teacher by: Sequoyah – Wed, February 6th Cheyenne - Wed, February 6th

Follow the Counseling Office on Twitter, ENHS Website and Remind! REMIND CODES ( ENHS2023 WEBSITE

Available online at:

Good Luck! HUSKIES 2023 28