The power to clear and maintain! Laki 19 12915 Tallinn Estonia The power to clear and maintain!
Toomas Laurits Tanavapuhastuse AS Specialises in cleaning city roads and winter maintenance in all big Estonian cities
The Cities Estonia maintenance area 2 million m2 Tartu & Pärnu maintenance area 1 million m2 Total maintenance area 3 million m2
Conditions Temperatures fluctuate between +5°C and -15°C with high humidity On average we use between 1500 and 2000 tonnes of Sodium Chloride
Good results observed from Eco-thaw from visit to Bucharest Trial Good results observed from Eco-thaw from visit to Bucharest Aim to assess effectivness of Eco-Thaw in our climate as a direct liquid application initially
Lab results showed almost zero heavy metals Trial Lab results showed almost zero heavy metals Test area 4km with total area 30,000 m2 Average application was 20g of Eco-Thaw per m2 (25gal/linear mile)
Trial For the purpose of the trial we used a AEBI 5000 multi function sweeper. In order to achieve the best results we placed a spray bar at the front which was calibrated to deliver the correct amount of liquid.
Trial At constant below zero temperature snow and ice did not form bond with the road because of anti-icing application of Eco-Thaw and unsettled snow was easily removed by ploughs At fluctuating temperature, melting water washed liquid off the road.
Conclusions of Trial Contractor’s cost – Long term savings from decrease in use of chlorides Client’s cost – Long term saving from low costs of road maintenance and reduction of chloride application Environment – 10,000 tonnes of of chlorides in one winter could be reduced by 3,300 by using 30% Eco-thaw
As a result of our trial clients from city councils of Tallinn and Tartu visited Eco-Thaw users in Canada and USA last January where they observed the successes enjoyed there. And now they are considering making use of Eco-Thaw for coming winter.