WORD OF LIFE NECESSARY TREASURES PURPOSE: TO BE THE NECESSARY TREASURES OF FOOD AND SUPPLIES TO THOSE WHO NEED IT MOST FOOD PANTRY NEEDS Brown Bags 20-40 double bagging Mac N Cheese Canned Veggies Soups Canned Ham Vienna Sausages Apple Sauce Beans Packaged noodles (Ramen) Spaghetti Noodles Spaghetti Sauce Please speak to the Deacon Rufino Coronado (512-665-7919) if you have the time and can help Sign Up in LOBBY 1st Weekend of the Month
Thanksgiving POTLUCK Dinner The last few years we have joined with other donors to buy 40 Turkeys, for the Turkey giveaway as a way to give to the community. This year we will do the same but are asking if we can give more. Bring a dish, share some thankful thoughts and join us as we celebrate together and together give back to the community. November 18th @ 6PM
ThanksGiving Giveaway November 18th @ 6PM and November 20th @ 9AM
Women’s Ministry Presents…