Cornell Notes Essential Question: “What is culture, and how can it affect human life?”
Culture Humanity’s medium There is not one aspect of human life not touched and altered by culture Every expression of our existence contributes to what we call culture
Components of Culture Nonverbal communication Material objects
Values http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IY_bhVSGKEg Norms Components of Culture Values http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IY_bhVSGKEg Norms Full house (4:00) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8abYy-U2j8 Language: “Nice kicks.” “He’s a creeper.” “Don’t bogart the pizza.” “Don’t be such a dweller.”
Culture affects our… Personality Self-expression Shows of emotion Thinking process Movement, gestures How cities are planned and mapped out How transportation systems function How economic and government systems work
Your Turn Burnsville Janesville, MN Many rural/farm areas Small downtown with limited resources No taxis/bus JWP is social activity Four bars on main street Three churches (Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist) Restaurants are bars School holidays revolve around religious holidays
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Cornell Notes Essential Question Two: “Why is culture learned and not taught?”
Characteristics of Culture Culture is learned (often subconsciously) Culture satisfies needs Culture is dynamic and adaptive Culture constantly changes Culture is uniform within a society
Society Organized people who constitute a culture
Dominate Culture What most of a society believes, looks like and behaves
Subculture A group that possess traits distinctive enough to distinguish from the dominate culture. Could be… Status Ethnic background Residence Religion Etc.
Values The cognitive representations of our understanding of the most basic needs and goals of our culture.
Characteristics of Values Relatively few in number A guide for culturally appropriate behavior Subjective- No objective truth Not tied to specific objects or situations Enduring and difficult to change Personal; significance varies from person to person Most are accepted by the members of a society.
Achievement and Success Material possessions are signs of success. If you word hard, you are justified in rewarding yourself. Dove Men + Care Dodge Charger
Activity People should always be active. Your leisure time will be enhanced if you have __________ product or service. Sprint the Now Network Play 60
Efficiency Things that solve our problems or save us time are valuable. You need this product or service because it will save you time and/ or money. Verano Geico
Progress It is possible to improve our lives If it's new or improved, this product is better than what you are currently using. Sony 3D TV iPad
Material Comfort We deserve luxuries if we work for them Your life is improved by owning luxurious products. Infinity M CR-V
Individualism It is important to be exceptional. You can buy things that will make you unique and different T-Mobile MyTouch 3G Wheat Thins
Freedom There should be no limits to what we can do or have. You should always have choice when buying anything. Kindle AT&T
Conformity It is important to be accepted by others. Buying certain goods and services will help you fit in or be accepted. Just for Men Hair Color Jennio Switch
Humanitarianism We should help others in need. It is your responsibility to help others and give back. Pepsi Refresh Project Sarah McLachlan
Youthfulness Getting older is bad. A youthful appearance is greatly desirable. Just for Men Hair Color Neutrogena
Cornell Notes Please check your notes to see if an additional information is needed.