Frayer Models Jordan Morgan
Long Shot A shot taken from a sufficient distance to show a landscape, a building, or a large crowd. Synonym: Fluke Antonym: Medium Shot
Medium Shot A shot between a long shot and a close-up that shows people from the waist up. Synonym: Waist Shot Antonym: Long shot
Close up A shot between a long shot and a close-up that shows people from the waist up. Synonym: Face Shot Antonym: Long Shot
A shot of a small object or a part of a face that fills the screen. Extreme Close up A shot of a small object or a part of a face that fills the screen. S: Close Shot A:Close Up
Wide Shot The first shot of a new scene and establishes location. S: Far shot A: Extreme Long Shot
Arc Shot A shot in which the subject is photographed by an encircling or moving camera S: Circular Shot A: Wide Shot
Bird’s Eye View The camera is placed directly above the action being photographed S: Long Shot A:Close up
The camera looks down at what is being photographed. High Angle The camera looks down at what is being photographed. S: Birds Eye View A: Waist Shot
The camera looks up at what is being photographed. Low Angle The camera looks up at what is being photographed. S: Low shot A: Birds eye view
Oblique Angle The frame is tilted laterally on its axis. S: Slanted angle A: Long Angle