Budget Analysis– Health
Source: MoFP (Badget Speech)
Source: MoHCDGEC & MoFP (HSSP-IV & Budget Speech/Bokks)
Ministry of Health budget 2013/14 – 2016/17 Source: MOHCDGEC and Budget Books
Ministry of Health Budget Only a slight increase of the total Ministry of Health budget Significant increase of Domestic Development budget The increase in Domestic Development budget is largely (251 Tshs Billion) effected by the fact that budget for Medicines and medical supplies is classified as development Almost 50% of the 251 Billion is budgeted for repaying MSD debt More details – next slide
Budget for Medicines and Medical Supplies 2016/17 Total TShs 251 Billion Source: MoHCDGEC (Memorandum)
Budget Trend For Essential Medicines & Supplies Financial Year Budget Contribution 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Local (bn) 49.8 34 60 29 90.7 Foreign (bn) 73.6 46.5 30 10.5 0 Total budget (bn) 123.4 80.5 64 70.5 90.7** Disbursed (bn) 98 50 20 21* Disbursed (%) 79% 100% 78% 28% 72% Demand (bn) 188 198 549 577 577+ Gap: Disbursed vs Demand -90 -117.5 -499 -557 For 2016/2017 Medical Supplies & beds 4,000,000,000 Figure as presented by Minister of Health during 2014/15 budget at the parliament * Disbursement as of April 2016 ** Total budget 251 bil including debt repayment, clearing & distribution for VP etc MSD Debt 108,420,000,000 Clearing, storage n distribution VP 35,000,000,000 Reagents for Safe Blood Bureau 10,000,000,000 Family planning, ARVs n MNCH 18,000,000,000 Labaratory supplies 5,000,000,000 Dental services 1,360,000,000 Medical suppiles and reagents 2,220,000,000 Vaccination for Maternal & Child 6,000,000,000 Essential Medicines 61,500,000,000 Total for medicines & Supplies = 251,500,000,000
NACP Development Budget 2013/14 - 2015/16 Source: Budget Books
Source: Budget Books
Budget for Human Resource Development Directorate 2013/14 – 2016/17 Source: Budget Books
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