Whitemoor Lakes 3rd – 5th July 2019
Why go on a residential? Builds self confidence Team building Independence Life-long skills and much more…
Depart: Wednesday 03/07/19 9.00 a.m. Return: Friday 05/07/19 4.00 p.m. When? Depart: Wednesday 03/07/19 9.00 a.m. Return: Friday 05/07/19 4.00 p.m.
Location Whitemoor Lakes is located near Lichfield in Staffordshire, all activities are located on site. Dormitories are in one building with adjacent rooms and a central meeting area. There will be private activity sessions on site where we can work as a team to develop our skills.
Who’s Going? A minimum of 6 members of staff from the school. The majority of staff will be from the year group. Usually one member of the PE team and at least one medically trained member of staff
Wednesday Meet @ Bushfield (Hall) Journey to the Pioneer Centre 8.30- 9.00 Meet @ Bushfield (Hall) 9.00 – 11.00 Journey to the Pioneer Centre 12.00-1.30 Eat our packed lunch (in a disposable bag please!) at the Pioneer Centre and settle in
Example Timetable – Wednesday
Example Timetable – Thursday
Example Timetable – Friday
The centre provide all the food: Breakfast: -cereal, juice, cooked breakfast Lunch: -Jacket potato, cheese and beans Dinner: -Sausage, mash and peas Vegetarian option available (water and fruit available throughout the day)
Food During meal times, there will be designated tables for us to ensure we are able to dine as a group. We are able to accommodate a variety of dietary requirements, please let us know if you have any concerns around meal times.
Communications Children will not be allowed to bring mobile phones to Whitemoor Lakes. Staff members will have mobile phones with them in case of emergency. Parents/carers will be given an out of hours contact number should you need to get in touch with your child in an emergency. You will be informed of our arrival and expected return.
You will need to pack: At least 2 pairs of outdoor trainers 1 pair of indoor shoes Old jeans / tracksuit bottoms A couple of old long sleeved jumpers / sweatshirts / hooded tops Wet weather clothing including a waterproof coat! Warm weather clothing including a hat, sunglasses, sun cream (named) Plenty of clean underwear and socks! Plastic bags Pyjamas Toiletries A bath towel A cuddly toy!?!
You can bring books/ comics/ note-pads/ top-trumps/ magnetic travel games etc. to help keep you entertained … BUT REMEMBER NO mobile phones/ iPods/ PSPs / MP3s etc.
Behaviour If there are any concerns about a child’s behaviour in school prior to the trip – there may be discussions between the school and the parents about the suitability of that child attending the trip. If a child’s behaviour is deemed unacceptable and ‘unsafe’ while on the trip, the school may well remove the child mid way through the residential.
Pay £30 deposit to secure their place by Thursday 25th October What now? There are 65 spaces on the trip. In the event of being over subscribed, all requests handed in by the deadline will be chosen at random until the trip is full. Pay £30 deposit to secure their place by Thursday 25th October Payment due by Friday 7th June (total cost approximately £208).
Any questions?