Hello! Im Letter L. said L I have many friends. I would like to introduce my friends. said L. This is my friend, O. said L. Hello! Im Letter O, said O. Hey! Here are our friends. V and E, said L and O. Hello! We are Letter E and V, said V and E.
We can form a word! said Letter L, O, V and E. Oh! L, O, V and E become love ! Now, Love always helps others letters.
A Bad affair – Do not help other letter. Day after day, Love did not like to help other letter.
Since Love did not help other letters, other letters began to hate Love. Can you play with us ? asked love. No, sorry! answered other letters.
Love was Sad Want to know why? Love was sad. They wanted to know why other letters did not play with them.
Then, Love wrote a letter to other letter They wrote: Why dont you play with me? We feel lonely! Love
Other Letters read the letter, they answered We need Love! Letter
At last, love knew that they had to love Again
Group Member 1.Lam Wai Ching 2.Tsang Wing Lam 3.Li Huanran 4.Sun Hong
This is Lily. She is a lovely girl. She has a beautiful doll. She loves it very much because it was a birthday present from her parents.
One day, Mum went shopping with Lily, Lily saw a toy bear in a toy shop. It was cute so Mum bought it for hear.
From then on, Lily did not play with her doll. Then doll thought that Lily did not love her anymore. She was sad.
At night, the bear laughed at the doll. She wanted to cry. But she thought that she could not cry. She should be strong.
One afternoon, when Mum was tidying Lilys bedroom, she found the doll under the bed. Mum said, Oh, poor doll! Why are you here?
When Lily came home from school, Mum talked to her. You cannot cast away the doll when you get another new toy. said Mum. Lily knew that she was wrong she said sorry to the doll.
Now Lily plays with the doll and the bear together. They are happy.