Social/Social Studies/Math Circle Time Routines First Circle Social/Social Studies/Math Second Circle ABC Circle/Science Morning Song Greeting our Friends Social Lesson Song Morning Message (Math) Math Lesson Transition to Wash hands for Breakfast Movement Song ABC Song Language/Lit Lesson Morning Message (ABC) Book Reading Transition Game to Wash hands for Snack
the Changing July Writing Center Math Center Dramatic Play Theme: _____________________ Writing Center Math Center What Weighs More Than an Apple? Introduce Color Around the Room Colors Yellow and Green Assessment on Measurement Block Center Dramatic Play Little Red Hen Bakery Add Bakery Menu Mixing bowls Measuring tools Wooden spoons & whisk Introduce loose parts How to put them away
Add oats, cinnamon sticks, mini apples, tongs, bowls and scoops Keeping them engaged Centers Date: _____________________ Science Center Sensory Table Why does bread rise? Experiment with yeast and different liquids Apple Sensory Bin Add oats, cinnamon sticks, mini apples, tongs, bowls and scoops Add warm water, lemon juice and vinegar to a bottle. Next add 1 tsp yeast and place a balloon on each bottle. Have children predict what will happen. Play Dough Art Center Building comprehension through Process art the Little Red Hen Add mini bread pans, muffin pans, shape cookie cutters, mini cookie sheets. Create a story telling tray Cut circles and Ovals (character colors) Pop corn for seeds Yarn for wheat Markers Glue ^Learning and Teaching with Preschoolers
Social /Social Studies /Math Circle Theme:____________ Monday Tuesday Wednesday Social /Social Studies /Math Circle ABC Circle/Science Social Skills Sharing and Working Together. Role Model about sharing markers, scissors and paper. Math Measurement & Time Compare Length using Long & Short Transition: Have children sort themselves by size Social Science Class Discussion Sharing Rules (Make a Poster) Number & Operations Count a Set of Objects Roll a Large Dice Have children identify the amount and do a picked action that amount of times (clap, jump, pat head) Read: Social Study All About the Bakery Jump and count syllables of names ABC Alphabet Recognition: Introduce the Letter Aa Science Print Awareness Distinguish Print Picture, Letter, Word Apple Tasting Graphing Which one they liked best Phonological Syllables (Names) Hickety Tickety Bumble Bee
Social /Social Studies /Math Circle Thursday Friday Worktime Social /Social Studies /Math Circle ABC Circle/Science Social Skills Sharing and Working Math Measurement & Time Compare Length using Long & Short Transition: Have children sort themselves by size Class Discussion- how do we ask our friends to share? Geometry Demonstrate Top Middle Bottom Make a apple tree with Velcro dots on it. Have children place pom poms (apples on the tree) Top, Middle, Bottom Apple On Top Name Art Have children count out how many apples they would need for their name. Put name in order on top of head. ABC Read: Shared Writing Sentence Frame What Friends Do: Make a List Act Out the Little Red Hen
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Small Group Making Patterns Pattern Assessment Clap Stomp Syllables Phonological Assessment Shape Sort What would you help the Little Red Hen with? Storytelling and Dictation Blue Yellow Green Rotate activities Bakery Bingo Sorting Apples Assessment
Thursday Friday Notes Small Group ABC Apple Bingo Little Red Hen Play Dough Pair & Share Turn to neighbor If I were the Little Red Hen I would make __________.