The FY19 Budget For Central Office Includes: Third Year of Transportation Costs accumulated at SU level Increased Consolidation of Special Education costs at the SU Level including Pre-K/EEE Coordination Comprehensive Benefit Adjustments/Allowances for New Health Plans Additional $110,000 Reserves Applied to Reduce General Assessment in support of Health Cost Recaptures Additional $130,287 Reserves Applied to offset increases to SPED The FY19 Budget For Central Office Includes:
FY 19 Lamoille North Supervisory Union Budget w/o SPED Total Budget: $3,758,114 Minus: Grant Funded ($ 155,476) Minus: Transportation & Services to Schools ($1,906,300) Minus: Misc. Revenues ($ 50,419) Assessment Expenses $1,645,919 Minus: Reserves Applied (offset Recapture) ($ 189,713) FY 19 Non-SPED Assessment Costs: $1,456,206
FY 19 Lamoille North Supervisory Union Budget with Net SPED Costs FY19 SPED costs: $6,026,610 Minus: Reserves (offset increases) ($ 130,287) Minus: Estimated SPED Revenue: ($3,867,898) FY19 SPED Assessment: $2,028,425 FY19 Non-SPED Assessment: $1,456,206 FY19 Assessment with SPED: $3,484,631
ASSESSMENT REVENUES Minus Revenues Budget FY17 Budget FY18 Budget FY19 ASSESSMENT BUDGET $6,638,028 $9,222,099 $9,784,724 Minus Reserve (Fund Balance) $79,713 $320,000 Interest $750 Grant Revenues $197,566 $197,482 $155,476 Grant Administration $34,314 $44,669 Billed Services (Transportation & Direct Salaries) $979,358 $1,205,897 $1,202,477 Miscellaneous $5,000 Transportation Aid $709,190 $711,609 $703,823 Special Ed Revenue $397,660 $3,483,732 $3,867,898 Assessment $4,234,478 $3,493,247 $3,484,631 ASSESSMENT REVENUES
Regular Transportation FY19 Costs FY19 Local District Budget Title 16 VSA 261(a) Transportation… Regular Transportation FY19 Costs FY19 State Aid Offset FY19 Local District Budget LNMUUSD $ 1,282,510 $ 538,654 $ 743,856 Cambridge $ 393,258 $ 165,168 $ 228,090 $ 1,675,768 $ 703,822 $ 971,946
Resulting In An Assessment Allocation Based On October Enrollment ADM
October 1, 2017 ADM Count
LNSU FY19 ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT (1/16/17) Non-SPED Assessment FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 % 1,361,774 1,462,420 Student Count 1,456,206 CES Assessment 19.38 263,868 19.46 284,514 355 18.06 262,946 LNMUUSD 058A 39.36 536,055 40.05 585,765 759 38.61 562,187 LNMUUSD 058B 34.09 464,249 34.22 500,476 731 37.19 541,448 GMTCC 7.17 97,602 6.27 91,665 121 6.15 89,623 SPED Assessment FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 % 2,872,703 2,030,827 Student Count 2,028,425 CES SPED Assessment 19.37 556,306 19.46 395,098 355 18.06 366,272 LNMUUSD 058A SPED Assessment 39.28 1,131,156 40.05 813,438 759 38.61 783,100 LNMUUSD 058B SPED Assessment 41.26 1,185,241 40.49 822,291 731 43.34 879,053
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