“Call unto me and I will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not.” Jeremiah 33:3 KJV
What are we trying to accomplish? Mission Mission Values Faith Vision What BUSINESS we’re in What are we trying to accomplish?
Vision Mission Values Faith Vision Where we’re BOUND What will it look, sound, and feel like while we are accomplishing our Mission?
Values Mission Values Faith Vision How we BEHAVE What kind of people are we going to be while we are accomplishing our Mission?
Faith Mission Values Faith Vision What we BELIEVE To what foundational, immutable doctrines do we hold fast while we are accomplishing our Mission?
Mission Vision Values Faith
Expectations Values Vision Mission
Resulting in: confusion, frustration, Misdirected energy, & conflict
Importance of a Mission Statement “What matters is not the leader’s charisma. What matters is the leader’s mission. Therefore, the first job of the leader is to think through and define the mission of the institution.” Peter F. Drucker, Managing the Non-Profit Organization, p. 3
Importance of a Mission Statement 1. It dictates the ministry’s direction 2. It focuses on the ministry’s function 3. It presents its preferred future 4. It provides a template for decision making 5. It inspires ministry unity 6. It shapes its strategy 7. It enhances ministry effectiveness 8. It provides the ministry with a cause 9. It facilitates evaluation
Broad Brief Bold Biblical
Definition of a Mission Statement Question: What’s the church supposed to be doing? Answer: The Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20).
Development of a Mission Statement 1. Determine the church’s mission. It’s the Great Commission (Mt. 28:19-20). (It must be at the core of the statement.) 2. Articulate the mission in writing. Write it down on paper. (If you can’t, you don’t have one.) 3. Personalize your mission. Use language your people can understand & is biblically accurate. (Avoid unfamiliar biblical terms.)
Development of a Mission Statement 4. Word-smith the mission. The words must be simple, powerful, memorable. 5. Keep the mission short & memorable. How short? Short enough to fit on a T-shirt!
Development of a Mission Statement “The mission of Dallas Seminary as a professional, graduate level school is to prepare men and women for ministry as godly servant leaders in the body of Christ worldwide. By blending instruction in the Scriptures from our doctrinal perspective with training in ministry skills, the Seminary seeks to produce graduates who do the work of evangelism, edify believers, and equip other by proclaiming and applying God’s Word in the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Development of a Mission Statement “The mission of Dallas Seminary as a professional, graduate level school is to prepare men and women for ministry as godly servant leaders in the body of Christ worldwide. By blending instruction in the Scriptures from our doctrinal perspective with training in ministry skills, the Seminary seeks to produce graduates who do the work of evangelism, edify believers, and equip other by proclaiming and applying God’s Word in the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Development of a Mission Statement The Mission of Dallas Seminary “We exist to prepare men and women for ministry as godly servant leaders in the body of Christ worldwide.”
Examples of Mission Statements To make and mature fully functioning followers of Christ. To turn irreligious people into fully devoted followers of Christ.
Examples of Mission Statements To exalt Jesus Christ by: Evangelizing the lost Discipling the believers Equipping the Church Ministering to society The Wesleyan Church
Examples of Mission Statements “To cooperate with the Holy Spirit in disseminating the Gospel of Jesus Christ to as many people as possible, and, specifically, to accomplish that objective by helping to preserve traditional values and the institution of the family.” Focus on the Family
Communicating the Mission Your life Framed document Slogan Wallet-size cards T-shirt Performance Appraisal Logo Song
The Mission Challenge That’s your job!!!!! You’re the mission/vision communicator. To keep everyone focused on the ministry’s mission At least once a week ask yourself, “How can I creatively focus their attention on our mission this week?”