Evaluation reforms in the education system Albania 2016-11-24 Evaluation reforms in the education system Albania REZANA VRAPI National Agency of Examinations Director
The curriculum reforms aim: Standardization increase, Results’ feedback, Teaching quality growth. Everyone needs to know whether the curriculum: Has met the expectations regarding impact; Has made possible for our pupils to achieve not only the right competencies in school, but to make use of these competencies during their whole life. 2016-11-24
The main aim of evaluation is: Following year 2000: Education in Albania was requested to be more accountable publicly, in order to justify on one hand the allocated funds and on the other hand increase trust within the public opinion. What emerged as essential were not only the school curriculum changes, but also quantitative and qualitative changes within the evaluation system in Albania The main aim of evaluation is: The reliable gathering of data, upon which policymakers, education experts, researchers, teachers, etc., make important decisions regarding pupils specifically, but also regarding the education system as a whole. In order to intervene in the system in a qualitative way, in order to implement the needed changes, we do need qualitative data and decisions. 2016-11-24
The application of the new education reform sought to: 2016-11-24 The application of the new education reform sought to: Support the school in a general system improvement, as well strengthen students’ achievements. In order to achieve this, three objectives needed to be considered: Evaluation of students’ progress; Evaluation of key factors which increase students’ achievements; Gather the right information I advance, in order to move forward.
National Agency of Examinations - AKP 2016-11-24 The main policy of the Agency has been the development of evaluations ands examinations, standardized in all pre-university education. Aim: Improve students’ achievements and seek constancy when it comes to results. Starting from 2003, a new examination standard was integrated for the national evaluations and examinations. Examinations of mandatory school – (Albanian Language, Math, Foreign language) - 2003; National Matura exam (2006 – still in progress); National evaluations (grades III-V); International evaluations (PISA).
Establishment of a standardized national system 2016-11-24 We actually have two standardized national examinations in Albania: Examinations of mandatory school (Grade V, Grade IX). Matura Exam. Through the national examinations, our Agency: Presents a new system of drafting and evaluating tests, creating a model for the school itself. Starting from this year, all testing procedures have improved, creating also a high level of trust when it comes to public opinion.
National evaluations 2016-11-24 The main aim of national examinations has been the data gathering: To support experts improving the curricula; To change the organization and working policies in schools, as well as support the school with different resources; To improve the work of teachers’ qualification and other supports for educational staff; To make possible the improvement of curricula standards; To undertake comparative studies, with main focus the performance of the whole education system.
International examinations: PISA (2000, 2009, 2012, 2015 and 2018) 2016-11-24 PISA offers a huge information regarding learning outcomes and helps identify those areas that need specific attention. PISA results help compare Albania to other countries in the region and beyond. Information is important for policymakers and decision-making responsibles for the education system improvement. It bring awareness to the public opinion regarding education matters.
Effective implementation of an evaluation system 2016-11-24 The effective implementation of an evaluation system needs: Coherent policy; Credibility; High technical and analytical capacities; Strategic leadership; Transparent reporting; Accurate use of results.
2016-11-24 Thank you!