Word Challenge
1st CLUE Extremely attracted to someone 2nd CLUE infatuated
1st CLUE To change for the better; to remove faults 2nd CLUE amend
1st CLUE Brief and to the point 2nd CLUE succinct
1st CLUE To pass off someone else’s words as your own; to copy 2nd CLUE plagiarize
1st CLUE 2nd CLUE guerrilla “Underground” army members specializing in harassment and sabotage 2nd CLUE guerrilla
1st CLUE Deeply embarrassed, ashamed, or humiliated 2nd CLUE mortified
1st CLUE Black; a type of very dark, heavy wood 2nd CLUE ebony
1st CLUE Filled with sorrow or guilt 2nd CLUE remorseful
1st CLUE Repeatedly or continuously 2nd CLUE habitually
1st CLUE Filled with deep hatred 2nd CLUE venomous
1st CLUE Wanting revenge; unforgiving 2nd CLUE vindictive
1st CLUE Can’t be seen through 2nd CLUE opaque