Successfully implementing EQSbiota?


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Presentation transcript:

Successfully implementing EQSbiota? Graham Merrington WG E | 22nd April 2013

Introduction Types of EQSbiota Some of the challenges Possible ways forward? What next? WG E | 22nd April 2013

Types of EQSbiota 11 Chemicals have EQSbiota Four are aimed at protecting predators from secondary poisoning and seven are aimed at protecting humans from potential effects via dietary uptake Can back calculate to water but values are very, very small........... (Bernd’s Box!)......... WG E | 22nd April 2013

Challenges......... Delivering an ecologically relevant sample of biota Suitability of species for biota sampling - reflective of prey item? WG E | 22nd April 2013

Challenges......... Delivering an ecologically relevant sample of biota Suitability of species for biota sampling - reflective of prey item? How to assess the concentration determined in these biota against an EQS, what does it mean (spatial representation, confidence of failure, management action)? WG E | 22nd April 2013

Challenges......... Delivering an ecologically relevant sample of biota Suitability of species for biota sampling - reflective of prey item? How to assess the concentration determined in these biota against an EQS, what does it mean (spatial representation, confidence of failure, management action)? wild caught species difficulties - sample sizes, animal welfare, bias between MSs by using different spp or animals of different sizes (different measures of compliance)? WG E | 22nd April 2013

Possible ways forward? A tiered approach? Aim would be to undertake sampling where potential risks or uncertainties are identified, e.g: Passive samplers at first tier - screening Non vertebrate testing(??), something like kick-sampling, take a food basket approach to sampling (then mean the concentrations across all samples) Fish/caged – as last tier? Validate!! WG E | 22nd April 2013

Next steps? Scale of issues? Collect Member State experiences – what works, what doesn’t? Programmes of work (historic), testing approaches, caged biota, passive samplers, wild biota, freshwater vs marine Initiatives....e.g: NORMAN expert group meeting ,"Linking Environmental Quality Standards and Passive Sampling“ in July Draft implementation/guidance notes........... meeting to identify existing challenges? WG E | 22nd April 2013