Name: Fill out the icon’s name you will be researching Abstract: An abstract is a brief overview of the content covered in the links below. This section should be 3-4 sentences. Fill in the information below Born: Died: Profession: Nationality: G-pedia Change the picture! Content Childhood and Education Marriage and family Career/Beliefs Legacy References
G-pedia Childhood and Education Fill out the information about the above topic in 4-5 sentences. G-pedia
G-pedia Marriage and Family Fill out the information about the above topic in 4-5 sentences. G-pedia
G-pedia Career/Beliefs Fill out the information about the above topic in 4-5 sentences. G-pedia
Legacy Fill out the information about the above topic in 4-5 sentences. G-pedia
References You need 8 resources documenting where you obtained your information from. These should be listed in alphabetical order. G-pedia