ASME B&PV Code for In-Service Inspection of Nuclear Containment Buildings Steven G. Brown, PE
Introduction Why is this of interest outside the nuclear industry? Professional Development Hour More than that – sharing information across various industries for improvement of the profession Acknowledgements K. R. Rao – Campion Guide to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Working Group Containment Entergy Disclaimer – The views presented are my own If it’s right, it’s because my mentors got it right, If it’s messed up, it’s probably my original idea.
Terminal Objective At the conclusion of the class the engineer will have a basic understanding of the current rules requiring inservice inspection of nuclear containment vessels. Key Points for folks outside the nuclear industry - illustrates interaction of the consensus body, regulator and industry to address inspection needs without being overly burdensome.
Enabling Objectives State the purpose of containment vessel as used at commercial nuclear power plants in the US Describe the general types of containment vessels currently used in the US commercial nuclear power industry. State the difference between Class MC and Class CC components. State the regulations requiring inservice inspection of nuclear containment buildings.
Enabling Objectives (cont) Be able to state the section of ASME Code providing requirements for inservice inspection of Class CC components of nuclear containment vessels. Discuss the type and frequency of inservice examinations for nuclear power plant containment vessels.
Purpose of Containment 10 CFR 50 - GDC 16 Containment Designs - Key design requirement for all U.S. commercial nuclear plants. Establish an essentially leak tight barrier against the uncontrolled release of radioactivity into the environment Ensure that the containment design conditions important to safety are cont exceeded for as long as required for post-accident conditions.
Typical Steel Containment Vessels Steel Pressure Vessel – Class MC Typically Carbon Steel Approx. 40 to 60 psi > 100 Feet Diameter > 200 Feet Tall Shell thickness 1.5” or more Concrete Shield Building Containment Design Diagrams on this and subsequent slides are from EPRI TM-102C
Typical Steel Containment Vessels BWR Mark I – Class MC (typical) Nominal 62 psi Removable Head Torus suppression pool
Typical Steel Containment Vessels BWR Mark II (Shown) – Clas MC Typical Nominal 45 psi Removable Head Suppression pool below BWR Mark III (Not Shown) – May be MC or CC Large vessel with internal drywell Suppression pool internal around drywell
Typical Concrete Containment Concrete Structure with steel liner Concrete provides structural element – Class CC Steel liner provides leak tightness – Class MC
Typical Concrete Containment Post-Tensioned Concrete Containment Concrete is kept under compression by a system of steel tendons Tendon system and rebar are Class CC.
Provisions for Containment Inspections and Testing 10 CFR 50 - GDC 53 – Containments shall be designed to permit Appropriate periodic inspection of all important areas, such as penetrations An appropriate surveillance program Periodic testing at containment design pressure of the leak tightness of penetrations
Philosophy of Containment Examination ASME IWE and IWL define requirements for containment examination Preservice Inservice Requirements based on Industry Experience and Environmental Conditions Visual Examination of Containment Testing for Tendons Pressure / Leakage Testing per 10 CFR App J
History of Code Requirements IWE 1st published 1981 (Class MC Components) Weld Based Examinations Very similar to rules for Class 1 and 2 nuclear components. Subsequently addressed general degradation of surface areas Incorporated by rulemaking (10 CFR 50.55a) in 1996 Required all containments to be treated as MC or CC Included conditions for use Conditions included: General Visual once per period vs 1st per interval Weld based exams not required Inaccessible areas had to be evaluated if conditions were noted in accessible areas that indicated problems in inaccessible areas. Rulemaking provided for expedited implementation schedule – utilities had to incorporate the rules earlier than the next interval update.
History of Code Requirements IWL 1st published 1988 (Class CC Components) Provided rules for examination of concrete surfaces Similar to regulatory requirements already in Regulatory Guides 1.35 and 1.35.1 Regulatory Guides only required for post tensioned containments Incorporated by rulemaking (10 CFR 50.55a) in 1996 IWL replaced use of the Regulatory Guides Transition period was allowed for plants using regulatory guides Applicable to ALL concrete containments
Current Regulatory Requirements 10 CFR 50.55a Incorporates ASME B&PV Code Section XI by reference with conditions References ASME Section XI Sub-Section IWE for Class MC containments and Liners of Class CC containments References ASME Section XI Sub-Section IWL for Class CC containments 10 CFR 50.55a Currently endorses through the 2004 Edition Rulemaking in progress to include the 2008 Addenda Class will Reference the 2004 Edition
Containment Leak Testing 10 CFR 50 – Appendix J Periodic testing of containment vessel and penetrations Type A tests – Integrated Leak Rate Test Type B and C tests – Local Leak Rate Tests
IWE Examinations IWE-1100 SCOPE This Subsection provides requirements for inservice inspection of Class MC pressure retaining components and their integral attachments, and of metallic shell and penetration liners of Class CC pressure retaining components and their integral attachments in light-water cooled plants.
IWE Examinations Exempted Components Components outside the boundaries of the containment system Embedded or inaccessible portions of containment (with limitations on what modifications to plant can embed) Piping, pumps, and valves (examined per either IWB or IWC)
IWE Examinations General Schedule for Inservice 10 year inspection interval Divided into 3 inspection periods (3 or 4 years) Provisions for shifting interval (and one of the periods) by one year Preservice (in general) Exam conducted prior to placing component inservice Includes repair or replacement Same exam as required for periodic inservice exam
IWE Examination Tables Table from ASME B&PV Code Section XI Sub Section IWE -
IWE Examination Tables Table from ASME B&PV Code Section XI Sub Section IWE -
IWE Details Category E-A Containment Surfaces E1.11 – Accessible Surfaces General Visual Each Period. Includes Bolted Connections – VT-3 per 10 CFR 50.55a E1.12 – Wetted Surfaces of Submerged Areas General Visual Each Interval VT-3 per 10 CFR 50.55a E1.20 – BWR Vent System (Mark I) E1.30 – Moisture Barriers General Visual Each Period Accessible is defined as visible by direct line of sight from permanent vantage points Bolted connections do not have to be disassembled for inspection, but must be inspected in a disassemble state if disassembled. Discuss experience with each type of examination. Bolted connections added back as separate category in later code editions
IWE Details – Moisture Barriers
IWE Details Category E-C Augmented Examination Applicable to areas subject to accelerated degradation or with previously noted degradation E4.11 – Visible Surfaces Detailed Visual Each Period. VT-1 per 10 CFR 50.55a E4.12 – Surface Area Grid Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement (UT) Each Period See IWE-1241 for details on augmented areas Basically areas subjected to accelerated corrosion due to standing water or repeated wetting and drying (etc)
IWL Examinations IWL-1100 SCOPE This Subsection provides requirements for preservice examination, inservice inspection, and repair/replacement activities of reinforced concrete and the post-tensioning systems of Class CC components, herein referred to as concrete containments as defined in CC-1000 {Section III Design Code}.
IWL Examinations Exempted Components Steel portions not backed by concrete Shell metallic liners Penetration liners Inaccessible tendon end anchorages (with limitations) Concrete surfaces covered by the liner, foundation material, or backfill or otherwise obstructed. (Aging concerns for buried concrete addressed in later editions of code.)
IWL Examinations General Schedule for Inservice Examination Preservice 1, 3, and 5 years following Structural Integrity Test (SIT) Within 6 months on either side of anniversary Total inspection window of 1 year 10 years after SIT and every 5 years thereafter Within 1 year on either side of anniversary Total inspection window of 2 years 1 year plus or minus 3 months for concrete repairs Preservice Similar to IWE Unique role of RPE
IWL Examinations Two Major Divisions Category L-A – Concrete Surfaces All concrete containments Category L-B – Unbonded Post-Tensioning System Post tension design only Tendons divided by type Separate population for tendons impacted by repairs Provisions for sites with multiple plants / units
IWL Examination Tables
IWL Details Category L-A Concrete Surfaces L1.11 – All Accessible Areas General Visual Each Inspection to identify suspect areas Resolution per RPE L1.12 – Suspect Areas Detailed Visual Up close exam to determine if the area is a problem Performed by or under the direction of a Registered Professional Engineer Accessible is defined as visible by direct line of sight from permanent vantage points
IWL Details Category L-B Unbonded Post-Tensioning Systems Sample Size Sample of Tendons 4 % of Each Type Minimum of 4 and Maximum of 10 Reduced sample for good inspection history 2 % of Each Type Minimum of 3 and Maximum of 5 Separate population with reduced sample size for tendons affected by repair Tendon type by construction – Horizontal (hoop), Vertical, Dome
Overview of Post-Tension Containment
Parts of a Tendon Anchorage
Exposed Tendon Anchorage
Uninstalled Tendon
Parts of a Tendon Anchorage
IWL Details L2.10 – Tendon Tendon Force / Elongation Test Hydraulic Ram connected to end of tendon Load cell measures force needed to lift tendon off of the shims Common Tendon One tendon is measured in each inspection Results trended to ensure tendon stress remains above the minimum needed by design for life of the plant Tendon type by construction – Horizontal (hoop), Vertical, Dome
IWL Details L2.20 – Wire or Strand Destructive sample of one wire (typical tendon up to 186 wires) from one tendon of each type – NOT the common tendon Visual exam for entire length Sample from each end, the middle and area of most severe degradation tested for Yield Strength, Ultimate Strength, and Elongation Tendon type by construction – Horizontal (hoop), Vertical, Dome
IWL Details L2.30 – Anchorage Hardware and Surrounding Concrete Detailed Visual – Entire Sample Population Includes: bearing plates, anchor heads, wedges, buttonheads, shims, and concrete extending 2 feet from edge of the bearing plate.
IWL Details L2.40 – Corrosion Protection Medium L2.50 – Free Water Sample from each end of each examined tendon Chemical analysis for: Water content, Water soluble chlorides, nitrates, and sulfides Reserve Alkalinity (expressed as milligrams of Potassium Hydroxide) L2.50 – Free Water The amount of any free water (if any) contained in the tendon cap is documented and analyzed to determine pH. Water content per ASTM D 95 10% max Chlorides per ASTM D 512 or D 4327 10 ppm Nitrates per ASTM D 992, D 3867, or D 4327 10 ppm Sulfides per APHA 427 10 ppm Reserve Alkalinity per ASTM D 974 Base Number 50% of the as-installed value with some expections. Always no less than zero. TBN = [20 (N acid) – B (N base)]*56/W where N acid is normality of sulfuric acid solution N base is normality of sodium hydroxide solution B is milliliters of sodium hydroxide And W is weight of sample in grams Sample is prepared with 20 cc of sulfuric acid and titrated with sodium hydroxide.
IWL Examinations Additional 10 CFR 50.55a exam: Grease caps that are accessible must be visually examined to detect grease leakage or grease cap deformations. Grease caps must be removed for this examination when there is evidence of grease cap deformation that indicates deterioration of anchorage hardware
Additional 10 CFR 50.55a Requirements The licensee shall evaluate the acceptability of inaccessible areas when conditions exist in accessible areas that could indicate the presence of or result in degradation to such inaccessible areas. Reporting Requirements Other provisions Other provisions include personnel qualification requirements, minimum illumination / max distance requirements etc.
Objectives State the purpose of containment vessel as used at commercial nuclear power plants in the US Describe the general types of containment vessels currently used in the US commercial nuclear power industry. State the difference between Class MC and Class CC components. State the regulations requiring inservice inspection of nuclear containment buildings.
Enabling Objectives (cont) Be able to state the section of ASME Code providing requirements for inservice inspection of Class CC components of nuclear containment vessels. Discuss the type and frequency of inservice examinations for nuclear power plant containment vessels.
References 10 CFR 50.55a ASME B&PV Code Section XI, Subsections IWE and IWL, 2004 Edition Rao, K. R. (editor), Companion Guide to the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 3rd Edition EPRI TM-102C
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