What opportunities does London offer? Objectives Outcomes You should understand a range of social, economic and environmental opportunities available in London You should be able to explain (with reference to London); The cultural mix Recreation and entertainment Employment, Integrated transport systems Environmental: urban greening A completed table from circulating the room with information on culture, recreation, job opportunities, transport and the environment An inspirational promotional leaflet on the OPPORTUNITIES London provides
What opportunities does London offer? IT TASK: 20 minutes . Find and print at least 3 images to represent the following aspect of London. You will be using them later in a poster presentation about London Opportunities. The cultural mix Recreation and entertainment Employment, Integrated transport systems Environmental: urban greening
What opportunities does London offer? You work for the Greater London Authority (GLA) as part of the Media team. TASK: You are to produce a promotional poster that explains to people across Britain what London has to offer Your poster should include SUMMARY information about; The cultural mix Recreation and entertainment Employment, Integrated transport systems Environmental: urban greening Consider carefully the use of graphic design and media for your leaflet