UHC2030 Steering Committee Session 3 – HLM-UHC Preparation 14th December 2018 UHC2030 Steering Committee
Agenda of This Session Initial reflections from OPGA, Co-facilitators and GOF on UHC Proposed inputs from UHC2030 to Co-facilitators Proposed contributions of UHC2030 to President of GA Options for contributions of UHC2030 Members
Initial reflections from OPGA, Co-facilitators and GOF on UHC UHC2030’s recent contributions well acknowledged by NY stakeholder (e.g. 73rd UNGA high-level event, UHC Day…etc) Role of UHC2030 in UN formally recognized in HLM-UHC modality and FPGH 2017 resolutions UHC2030 could co-convene multi-stakeholder hearing with PGA Any suggestion regarding the multi-stakeholder panels theme? (e.g. 3.8.1. Service Coverage and 3.8.2. Financial Protection?) Learning from HLM-TB/NCDs experience, suggested earlier timing to organize multi- stakeholder hearing (e.g. April/May instead of June/July?) Closer cooperation with NY based initiatives: PGA, Thai and Hungary Mission, WUN, UNF Suggested to communicate with Geneva based PGA in addition to NY based PGA Consider other political/economic fora milestones (e.g. G20, G7, AU Summit, TICAD…etc)
Proposed inputs from UHC2030 to co-facilitators (1) Objectives: To mobilise the highest political support to package the health agenda together under the umbrella of UHC (3.8.1) and sustain health investments, both external and domestic, in a harmonised manner to ensure financial protection in health (3.8.2). Thematic areas: 1. Political Momentum; 2. Leave No One Behind; 3. Sustainable Financing & Health Investment Harmonization; 4. Monitoring & Accountability; 5. Foster Multi-Stakeholder Actions
Proposed inputs from UHC2030 to co-facilitators (2) Selection criteria of UHC2030 asks: Highest political agenda: ‘Head of States’ level political endorsement? UN member states consensus? 2. Initiative Exists: Supported by a track record of existing or emerging efforts led by UHC2030 Partners? A political translation of the existing Global initiative or strategy? Promoting some initiatives endorsed by other political/economic fora? 3. Reference Exists: Agreed texts or targets went through UNGA member states consensus process?
Points of Discussion and Decision Proposed inputs from UHC2030 to co-facilitators: What are the critical outcomes that we would like the HLM-UHC to deliver? Does the Steering Committee agree on objectives, thematic areas, selection criteria and proposed initial asks?
2. Proposed contributions of UHC2030 to PGA: Multi-stakeholder engagement: Coordinate multi-stakeholders’ involvement Support country UHC advocates to conduct multi-stakeholder dialogues Support preparation of one multi-stakeholder hearing and two multi-stakeholder panel sessions Consolidate current UHC movement: Formalise key principles of the UHC2030 Global Compact Provide foundational UHC-related resolutions and political declarations Coordinate inputs into the preparation of a pre-zero draft of the UHC political Communications and support to partners: Organise relevant high-level events and informal briefing sessions Mobilise UHC2030 networks to identify relevant high-level participants Assist relevant UHC2030 partners to attend the multi-stakeholder hearing and panels Prepare advocacy and communications toolkits for HLM-UHC Disseminate the meeting outcomes to an extensive network of global health communities
Points of Discussion and Decision 2. Proposed contributions of UHC2030 to President of the General Assembly: Does the Steering Committee agree with the proposed three contributions to the preparation: I. Multistakeholder engagement; II. Consolidate current UHC movement; and III. Communications and support to partners?
3. Options for contributions of UHC2030 members: Options for contributions of UHC2030 members and timeline Identify high-level influencers and liaison arrangements in New York (Q3 2018) Secure role of UHC2030 in the formal process (Q4 2018) Identify and advocate with key Head of States and Governments (Q1-2 2019) Support consultations with UHC2030 Partners (Q1-2 2019) Support and mobilise non-states actors (Q1-2 2019) Influence Political Declaration (Q2-3 2019)
3. Options for contributions of UHC2030 members: Initiate Consultation (Jan): Online Consultation and Special Event Page Private Sector (22-25 Jan): World Economic Forum Meeting Academia & Practitioners (29-31 Jan): Prince Mahidol Awards Conference Parliamentarians (21-22 Feb): IPU Annual Parliamentary Hearing at the UN Community & CSO (5-7 Mar): Africa Health International Conference UHC2030 Key Ask Finalize (mid-Mar): 5th Steering Committee UHC2030 Key Ask Submission to co-facilitators (end-Mar?): Reflection – non-states actors (Apr/May?): Multi-stakeholder Hearing Reflection – member states (health)(May): World Health Assembly Reflection – member states (finance/HOS) (Jun): F20 and G20 Summit
Points of Discussion and Decision 3. Options for contributions of UHC2030 members: Does the Steering Committee agree with the proposed next steps to consolidate our substantive inputs? How can individual UHC2030 members mobilise their resources and networks to support the HLM-UHC preparation?
Advocacy Resources for HLM-UHC www.UHC2030.org info@UHC2030.org @UHC2030 #UHC2030